

tonne:[英 [tʌn] 美 [tʌn] ]



tonne 基本解释


tonne 网络解释

1. tonne什么意思

1. 吨:短吨(ton)的话就和M-1A2大约一样重,公吨(tonne)的话则差不多比M-1A2重六公吨~而不管是一般重还是重六公吨,加上你还得扣除远比120公厘战车炮系统为大为重的140公厘战车炮系统的额外重量之后,要想达到这辆空想战车所标榜的装甲防护力(不仅是正面,

2. tonne

2. 米制吨:metrical system ^ 米制 | tonne ^ 米制吨 | metric grain ^ 米制格令

3. tonne

3. 公吨 MOP 澳门元:kg 公斤/千克 | tonne 公吨 MOP 澳门元 | c.i.f. 到岸价

tonne 双语例句

1. tonne的意思

1. The amount of traded EU units - one unit representing the right to emit one tonne of carbon - in May this year was 53m, compared with just 1m the previous year.


2. The Ardiden engine is already flying in the HAL Dhruv, Advanced Light Helicopter, but the uprated versions, will be capable of producing 1, 800-2, 000 shp, making them ideal for six-eight tonne helicopters.

阿蒂丹发动机已经装在已飞行的印度先进轻型直升机北极星HAL Dhruv直升机上,但正在研发的是大功率的版本,将能产生1,800-2,000马力,使它们适合6-8吨直升机。

3. Excluding freight costs, spot prices are more than 90 per cent above the $61 a tonne 2009-10 contract price.


4. Copper rose 2.4 per cent to $4, 670 a tonne after spiking to $4, 925 a tonne in Asian dealing hours.


5. With a final kerb weight of approximately 500kg, the new Ariel Atom 500 measures in with a power-to-weight ratio of around 1, 000hp/tonne.

最终石壆重量约500公斤,沙龙的新措施,原子500 ,功率重量比约1,000马力/吨。

6. tonne什么意思

6. The 69 per cent gain from last October's drop to just above $US9000/tonne, its latest client note says, may encourage a resurgence in pig iron nickel production, much of that capacity put out of business by last year's low prices.


7. In the first stage, some Rs 8, 000 crore will be spent on a 2.5 lakh tonne smelter and a 600 MW power project.


8. From December to January, the price of premium coal rose by 13%, from 575 yuan a tonne to 650 yuan.



9. But the base metal is now shining on the commodities markets. On February 22nd a tonne fetched over $14, 000 on the London Metal Exchange for the first time in more than 20 years.


10. tonne什么意思

10. Meanwhile, a 13 thousand-tonne freight train with over 100 fully loaded cars speeds toward the same section of single track at 96 kph.

同时,一万三千-公吨装货火车超过 100 完全以 96 kph 装载了汽车向单一轨道的相同区段的速度。

11. The survey shows that spot prices for main rebar are traded at CNY 4093 per tonne to CNY 4456 per tonne and the average prices for futures delivery are at CNY 4100 per tonne to CNY 4269 per tonne.



12. All the exisiting, new chemical substances itself and which applied to every manufacture need to registrate basic information when the output in quantities of 1 tonne or more per year.


13. The end of 2004, the county reached a variety of motor vehicles 6127, 5, 660, 000 people in passenger traffic, passenger turnover reached 231.13 million person-km 15, 240, 000 tons of cargo, freight turnover reached 683.39 million tonne-kilometers.

到 2004 年底,全县各种机动车辆达到 6127 辆,客运量 566 万人,旅客周转量达到 23113 万人公里,货运量 1524 万吨,货运周转量达到 68339 万吨公里。

14. Refined salt used by the chemicals industry is more expensive, at up to $150 a tonne.


15. Mr Roongta estimated that hot-rolled flat steel would be priced at about $525 a tonne.


16. tonne的意思

16. The same technology is also used to move the 800-tonne crash barrier.

同一技术也用于移动 800 吨的碰撞障碍物。

17. It expects to sell coal at a price of US$155 to US$160 per tonne this year.


18. The price of tin rose to 4, 400 pounds per tonne.


19. The price of soyoil has come down about $70 per tonne.


20. That comes on top of an average $20 per tonne already introduced in the fourth quarter of this year.


tonne 词典解释

1. 公吨(等于 1,000 千克)

A tonne is a metric unit of weight that is equal to 1000 kilograms.


e.g. ...65.5 million tonnes of coal...

6,550 万公吨煤

e.g. Top quality Thai rice fetched $340 a tonne.

极品泰国香米卖得了 1 公吨 340 美元。

tonne 单语例句

1. Airlines that do not comply will be fined 100 euros for each tonne of carbon dioxide emitted for which they have not surrendered allowances.

2. Coking coal prices have fallen about 60 percent in the spot market from a peak of $ 715 a tonne last year.

3. For the moment, the prices of benchmark CERs are holding up around 19 euros a tonne.

4. The decision is expected to cut the company's gold output by 1 tonne, said the statement.

5. The finished pudding weighed over a tonne and is being stored in an ice rink.

6. Flying over Rock is actually a 12m high, 544 tonne piece of rock that is balanced on a very small ledge.

7. The decision is expected to cut the company's gold output by 1 tonne this year, said the statement.

8. Companies will need a permit for every tonne of carbon they emit.

9. First to separate was Pleiades, a one metric tonne observation satellite to be used by the French Defence Ministry.

10. An average of two people a year are killed in Australia by saltwater crocodiles, which can grow up to seven meters long and weigh more than a tonne.

tonnetonne 英英释义


1. a unit of weight equivalent to 1000 kilograms

Synonym: metric tonMTt