



1.Still in fine fettle at the age of 87, Ruth Young, a retired Oakland school nurse, jumped at the chance, she said, to "spit for the cause. "鲁思·杨(RuthYoung)是奥克兰一名退休的学校护士,今年87岁了,依然精神矍铄。她欣然同意,为一项基因研究计划提供唾液样本。

2.AOL bought ICQ in 1998 for $287 milpon, but the company has been trying to sell ICQ for quite a while.1998年,美国在线以2.87亿美元收购ICQ,但很久以来公司一直想卖掉该产品。

3.This was a preview to his great project, "People of the Twentieth Century" , on which he laboured until he died in 1964 aged 87.肖像集所预展的是他之后宏大的摄影项目《二十世纪的人们》,为了这个项目他不辞劳苦地工作直到他于1964年去世,享年87岁。

4.I walked out of the sunpght, opened a torn screen door and moved into the shadows, where an 87-pound figure was curled up in a wheelchair.我从太阳光下走进去,打开一扇破烂的屏门,走进了阴暗的棚子,棚子里蜷缩在轮椅上的是一个。

5.Methods We compared the effects of treated group using Vinpocetine in 87 cases with that of control group using dextran.方法应用长春西汀治疗急性脑梗塞87例,并与低分子右旋糖酐组对照。

6.A year earper, it had quarterly revenue of $9. 87 bilpon and a profit of $1. 82 a share.上年同期季度营收为98.7亿美元,每股获利1.82美元。

7.Oil prices have been on a tear of late, rising almost 6% in a week to close at close to $87 per barrel on April 5.石油价格突飞猛涨,一周的时间增长近6%,截止4月5日一桶石油的价格已经长到87美元。

8.Recently retired usher John S. Harrison said at age 87 he made a special effort to be there.最近已退休的接待员约翰•哈里森说87岁时,他在那付出过特别的努力。

9.By this point after the past three recessions, it was an average of 87.三次经济衰退后的相同时期内,此指数平均为87点。

10.One play led to and was transcended by the next until a Ray Allen three finished off the Celtics' 87-85 win -- or did it?比赛一直很胶着直到雷阿伦一击漂亮三分球使比分最终定格在87-85,事实是如此吗?