

tone:[英 [təʊn] 美 [toʊn] ]


过去式:toned;   过去分词:toned;   现在分词:toning;   复数形式:tones;

tone 基本解释

名词[语]声调,语调; [画]色调,色泽,明暗; [乐]乐音,全音,全音程; [医](正常的)健康状态

及物动词使更健壮; 定调; 使变调子; [摄影术]给…上色

不及物动词带有某种腔调; 呈现某种色彩; (颜色)调和(与 with 连用)

tone 相关词组

1. tone down : 缓和;


tone 相关例句


1. These exercises will tone up your muscles.


2. Excitement toned her voice.



1. Mandarin Chinese has four tones.


2. tone的解释

2. She used several tones of blue to make the sky look real.


3. tone的近义词

3. Her voice has a pleasant tone.


tone 网络解释

1. tone的反义词

1. 音频:输入密码(ID Code)键输入7位数的密码8-1远程诊断模式(RD Mode)中的设定数据终端设定(DT Setting) 当复印机安装了远程数据终端DT-103时,必须设定远程诊断模式(RD Mode) 菜单(Menu)远程诊断模式(RD Mode) 上一页(BackUp) 菜单(Menu)拨号模式(Dial Mode) 音频(Tone)自动接收(Auto

2. tone什么意思

2. 音调:音位分为音段音位(segmental phonemes)和超音段音位(suprasegmental phonemes)两种,前者包括元音、辅音,元音与辅音、辅音与音在词中的组合,即音位组合或音节;后者则指重音(stress),音程(length)节奏(rhythm),音调(tone),语调(inton

tone 双语例句

1. You know, I'm tone-deaf.


2. No, I'm tone-deaf.


3. I don't want to sing before all the class to fool of myself since tone-deaf.


4. Sorry, I'm tone-deaf.


5. tone

5. I do not want to make an exhibition of myself in front of my classmats for my tone-deaf.


6. Tone-deaf music is unbearable for one's ears.


7. Khan: You know, I'm tone-deaf.


8. tone的近义词

8. Pink has a light tone and maroon has a dark tone.


9. The jovial tone set the mood for the gig which witnessed an enthusiastic mosh pit throughout the show.


10. tone是什么意思

10. Some traditional fork art such as the multi-tone fork songs and the Qiang kampang dance have been listed as the state-level non-material cultural heritage, and now it is the time to speed up the declaration of the Qiang fork opera as the cultural heritage for its rescue and protection.


11. The harpsichord with its bright, vigorous tone was the favorite instrument for supporting the bass of the small orchestra of the period and for concert use


12. These exercises will tone up your muscles.



13. Exercise tone up [k2] your muscles.


14. This was a whole different emotional tone, more peevish but less selfish.


15. You'd have to bring the tone down, and I don't know how it would be.


16. tone的近义词

16. I asked him to tone it down a bit, and that`s where we ended out.


17. She tried to tone down his anger.


18. I learned to tone it down a bit by the time I got to college.


19. tone的解释

19. You'd better tone down some of the opinions in your article.


20. Call your family and friends and let them in on your plans to tone it down this year.


tone 词典解释

1. 音质;音色;音调

The tone of a sound is its particular quality.

e.g. Cross could hear him speaking in low tones to Sarah.


e.g. ...the clear tone of the bell.


2. 语气;口气;腔调

Someone's tone is a quality in their voice which shows what they are feeling or thinking.

e.g. I still didn't like his tone of voice...


e.g. Suddenly he laughed again, this time with a cold, sharp tone…


3. (演讲、文章的)语气,调子,基调

The tone of a speech or piece of writing is its style and the opinions or ideas expressed in it.

e.g. The spokesman said the tone of the letter was very friendly...


e.g. His comments to reporters were conciliatory in tone...


4. 气氛;氛围;格调

The tone of a place or an event is its general atmosphere.

e.g. The high tone of the occasion was assured by the presence of a dozen wealthy patrons…


e.g. The service desk at the entrance, with its friendly, helpful and efficient staff, sets the tone for the rest of the store.


5. (身体的)强健状况;(尤指肌肉的)紧实度,结实度

The tone of someone's body, especially their muscles, is its degree of firmness and strength.

e.g. ...stretch exercises that aim to improve muscle tone...


e.g. Keeping your muscles strong and in tone helps you to avoid back problems.


6. 使结实;使强健

Something that tones your body makes it firm and strong.


e.g. This movement lengthens your spine and tones the spinal nerves...


e.g. Try these toning exercises before you start the day.


7. 色调;明暗

A tone is one of the lighter, darker, or brighter shades of the same colour.

e.g. Each brick also varies slightly in tone, texture and size...


e.g. I'm a cheery sort of person, so I like cheerful tones.


8. (与…)协调(或相配)

If one thing tones with another, the two things look nice together because their colours are similar in quality or brightness.

e.g. Princess Margaret toned with her in a turquoise print dress.


9. 电话提示音

A tone is one of the sounds that you hear when you are using a telephone, for example the sound that tells you that a number is engaged or busy, or no longer exists.


10. 音;全音

A tone is a difference in pitch between two musical notes equal to two semitones.

11. see also: dialling tone;ring tone

12. 降低格调

If you say that something lowers the tone of a place or event, you mean that it is not appropriate and makes the place or event seem less respectable.

e.g. Councillors say plastic-framed windows lower the tone of the neighbourhood.


13. 使(颜色)柔和;使(味道)变淡;调和

If you tone down a colour or a flavour, you make it less bright or strong.

e.g. When Ken Hom wrote his first book for the BBC he was asked to tone down the spices and garlic in his recipes.


相关词组:tone downtone intone up

tone 单语例句

1. The chamber's negative tone came prior to Wednesday's meeting with the Provisional Commission on Minimum Wage.

2. A major part of the play's Chinese version preserves the hallmark tone of candid confession and shocking presentation intermingled with humour.

3. The cautionary tone followed remarks by central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan last week pledging to " actively and safely " push ahead with currency reform this year.

4. Industry experts say the revenue of the mobile ring tone download business has long exceeded the CD and cassette sector.

5. Obama still sees nuclear power as a major element of future US energy policy, but he is injecting a new tone of caution into his endorsement.

6. Any action is likely to be limited to condemnation, and the discussion to center on finding and striking the right tone.

7. The market's positive tone was enhanced by US data showing inflation remained in check.

8. His scenes warbling with his a cappella choral group - The Tone Rangers - are among the movie's funniest.

9. He chose comedic actors who haven't been overexposed on film, planning to have them play their roles seriously and have a humorous tone emerge naturally.

10. Foods that contain high amounts of estrogen include some types of milk, silkworm chrysalis and tonics that restore or increase body tone.

tone在线翻译tone 英英释义


1. a quality of a given color that differs slightly from another color

e.g. after several trials he mixed the shade of pink that she wanted

Synonym: shadetinttincture

2. (linguistics) a pitch or change in pitch of the voice that serves to distinguish words in tonal languages

e.g. the Beijing dialect uses four tones

3. (music) the distinctive property of a complex sound (a voice or noise or musical sound)

e.g. the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely

the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to meet

Synonym: timbretimberquality

4. the quality of something (an act or a piece of writing) that reveals the attitudes and presuppositions of the author

e.g. the general tone of articles appearing in the newspapers is that the government should withdraw

from the tone of her behavior I gathered that I had outstayed my welcome

5. a steady sound without overtones

e.g. they tested his hearing with pure tones of different frequencies

Synonym: pure tone

6. a musical interval of two semitones

Synonym: whole tonestepwhole step

7. a notation representing the pitch and duration of a musical sound

e.g. the singer held the note too long

Synonym: notemusical note

8. the quality of a person's voice

e.g. he began in a conversational tone

he spoke in a nervous tone of voice

Synonym: tone of voice

9. the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people

e.g. the feel of the city excited him

a clergyman improved the tone of the meeting

it had the smell of treason

Synonym: spiritfeelfeelingflavorflavourlooksmell

10. the elastic tension of living muscles, arteries, etc. that facilitate response to stimuli

e.g. the doctor tested my tonicity

Synonym: tonicitytonus



1. give a healthy elasticity to

e.g. Let's tone our muscles

Synonym: tone upstrengthen

2. change to a color image

e.g. tone a photographic image

3. change the color or tone of

e.g. tone a negative

4. vary the pitch of one's speech

Synonym: inflectmodulate

5. utter monotonously and repetitively and rhythmically

e.g. The students chanted the same slogan over and over again

Synonym: chantintone