

cloud:[英 [klaʊd] 美 [klaʊd] ]


过去式:clouded;   过去分词:clouded;   现在分词:clouding;   复数形式:clouds;

cloud 基本解释

名词云; 云状物; 一团; 阴影

不及物动词布满云; 显得阴沉; 看起来忧愁)

及物动词使难以理解; 使…朦胧不清; 使减少乐趣; 混淆


cloud 相关词组

1. under a cloud : 失宠;


cloud 相关例句


1. The sky is darkly clouded.


2. The sky clouded over; we could see there was going to be rainstorm.


3. Her eyes were clouded with tears.




1. The freight truck caused a cloud of dust as it went down the dirt road.


2. The clouds of war hang over the east.


cloud 网络解释

1. cloud的翻译

1. 云彩:来到吉他处(注意吉他对面那个柱子),进入左手边的入口,跳抓来到二层,捡到一个云彩(Cloud),出来后来到另一面有两个白色柱子的入口处,把苹果放在柱子上的盘子里开门,进入后在水里拣起隐藏在水草中的黄色钥匙.


2. 乌云:北京天空的乌云(cloud)突然都烟消云散了,唯一剩下的一块疑云(cloud)就是:伦敦在四年后是否能够比得上? 不过等一等!也许我们不需如此的害怕. 我们起初都觉得(京奥)开幕式真的是不可思议(incredible),

cloud 双语例句

1. cloud在线翻译

1. But there are certain things that th e cloud just can`t handle: namely, processor-intensive multimedia work.


2. Golden autumn wind delivered curls darkly fragrant comes in frost chrysanthemum to offer is fragrant one season to kiss setting sun afterglow to like overflowing gentle eye pupil to look at four wild serene the fervor to fly verse to listen to Yellow River to carry innumerable misery history view river sand heavy to accumulate how many recollection sores all over the eye is piece by piece your old times'appearance childhood difficult leaves behind brand mark which did not extinguish wind frost and snow rain the half century to assault deep pool far class long fiveMillennium civilization's trail historical perpetual flow tumbles former days heroic great waves time string to play an instrument and sing today magnificent melody the motherland, I for your proud worked as the palatial engraved pillar, let the tall and straight stature put on the dawn, worked as grand Tiananmen, lets the wind and cloud welcome Dongsheng sun.


3. You're like a warm Spring's breeze that wrinkles the success of my heart's ocean of love; you're like a light-feathered cloud, blocking my heart's sight; you're like those petals dressed in dew, bringing delicious scent into my heart's room; you're like a dove flying toward the sky, giving my heart peace and hope.


4. And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

1:4 我观看,见狂风从北方刮来,随着有一朵包括闪烁火的大云,周围有光辉。从其中的火内发出好像光耀的精金。

5. The cloud, called M17, or the Swan nebula, is located about 6, 000 light-years away in the constellation Sagittarius.

云,称为M17 ,或天鹅星云,位于约6000光年的人马座星座。

6. cloud是什么意思

6. NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope has captured a new, infrared view of the choppy star-making cloud called M17, or the Swan nebula.

美国国家航空航天管理局的斯必泽太空望远镜拍下了一张新的红外线图像,图像显示了波涛汹涌的云海正在进行制造恒星的活动,该云海被称为 M17星云或天鹅星云。

7. This grenade has a proximity sensor, and will produce a cloud of knockout gas when approached.


8. cloud的翻译

8. I think this song has the wonderful interest just like a child`s heart. And I love the poem of LiBai too. For example:Leaving at dawn White Emperor crowned with cloud



9. Today a capacity can be rented as needed, allowing cloud services to scale up smoothly.


10. In general, the analysis of intra-seasonal oscillation is based on OLR data and the magnitude of such data is strongly correlated with cloud structures in the atmosphere.

目前季内振荡的研究主要以分析 OLR 的资料为主,然而 OLR 值的大小与大气辐射有直接的关系,所以要想对气候研究找到较好的代表性,则需同时在对云的水平云量,垂直方向云的分布、云高、云的光学性质有好的掌握。


11. An approach to the design of the structure about the cloud model mapping processor was proposed, and its characteristic of the nonlinear mapping and function of the curve fitting were analyzed. Only a few modifying to the cloud model sets or cloud model reasoning rules, the linear mapping function and non-linear mapping function can be obtained conveniently and flexibly.


12. These higher temperatures brought heavy and sustained rains, cloud cover and warmer air to much of the Horn of Africa.


13. The tourists can enjoy the packaged service of shanzhai Olympic Games Awarding Ceremony for the Olympic champions, covering wearing the suits of champions, ascending the platform, holding the Lucky Cloud Torch, receiving lowers from the hostesses, taking photos as souvenirs.


14. cloud什么意思

14. He was but one hour mine; The region cloud hath mask'd him from me now.


15. Above, a brown cloud can just be seen to have hung above the halo, which, as usual with these figures, is plain green with a darker green edge, against which the upward-floating ribbons of the headdress are displayed to advantage.


16. cloud

16. Integrated analysis of 7 times heavy rain in Yunnan from July 19 to August 2 based on actual observation weather datum and satellite cloud atlas and Doppler radar image. The results show that: high-low southwest jet stream is important effect system. The maintenance of southwest jet stream provides water vapor, momentum, fast transfer of unstable energy for the lasting heavy rain. The further configuration of plateau shear line and southwest jet stream is necessarily condition about 7 times heavy rain. The lasting heavy rain appeared on big value region of 500hPa vapour flux and vapour flux divergence. The shear cloud band and subtropical high cloud band crossed and confluenced in Yunnan on the satellite cloud atlas. The maintenance and intensification of shear cloud hand and periphery cloud band of subtropical high correspond quite well to heavy rain falling region and cloud band distribution.


17. cloud的近义词

17. All the matter of the galaxy was originally a spherical cloud of gas from which stars were condensing out.


18. The diaphanous and curiously spherical cloud surrounding the comet's core is now large enough to swallow the King of Planets!


19. A highly luminous, intensely hot spherical cloud of dust, gas, and vapor generated by a nuclear explosion.


20. This mass loss creates a more or less spherical cloud around the star and eventually uncovers the star's blazing hot core.


cloud 词典解释

1. 云;云团

A cloud is a mass of water vapour that floats in the sky. Clouds are usually white or grey in colour.


e.g. ...the varied shapes of the clouds...


e.g. The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud.


2. (烟雾、尘土等的)一团

A cloud of something such as smoke or dust is a mass of it floating in the air.

e.g. The hens darted away on all sides, raising a cloud of dust.


3. 把…搞糊涂;使难以理解;使无法正确判断

If you say that something clouds your view of a situation, you mean that it makes you unable to understand the situation or judge it properly.

e.g. Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty...


e.g. In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind.


4. 破坏;给…蒙上阴影

If you say that something clouds a situation, you mean that it makes it unpleasant.


e.g. The atmosphere has already been clouded by the BJP's anger at the media.


5. (眼神或脸色)阴沉,忧郁;使看起来阴沉(或忧郁)

If your eyes or face cloud or if sadness or anger clouds them, your eyes or your face suddenly show sadness or anger.

e.g. Trish's face clouded with disappointment...


e.g. As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes.


6. (镜子)模糊不清;(使)起雾

If glass clouds or if moisture clouds it, tiny drops of water cover the glass, making it difficult to see through.

e.g. The mirror clouded beside her cheek...


e.g. I run the water very hot, clouding the mirror.


7. 心不在焉;耽于空想

If you say that someone has their head in the clouds, you are criticizing them because they are ignoring or are unaware of the problems associated with a situation.

8. 极为快乐;乐不可支

If you say that someone is on cloud nine, you are emphasizing that they are very happy.

e.g. When Michael was born I was on cloud nine.


9. 遭嫌弃;被贬低

If someone is under a cloud, people have a poor opinion of them because of something they have done.


e.g. The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration.


10. every cloud has a silver lining -> see silver lining

相关词组:cloud over

cloud 单语例句

1. It was only after Mollohan - under his own ethics cloud involving business deals stepped down from the committee that the partisan squabbles ended.

2. The government had - for the first time during a Beijing winter - performed cloud seeding by both plane and rocket.

3. Day 2 After having breakfast in the hotel, drive to the Cloud Valley Cableway Stop.

4. A cloud computing center recently began operation in Jinan, the provincial capital.

5. The large number of sails the Flying Cloud could carry increased the speed of the ship.

6. With new iPads and iPhones offering users the option of signing onto cloud, this could have a bigger impact once it truly catches on.

7. Beijing struts behind New York in the international catwalk circuit, and now both are under the same dark economic cloud.

8. The costs to airlines associated with an ash cloud can add up quickly.

9. They feature images of the " lucky cloud " and " traditional Chinese scroll " as depicted on the Olympic torch.

10. He doesn't have a servant girl to clear the cloud of suspicion his company is under.

cloud 英英释义


1. a group of many things in the air or on the ground

e.g. a swarm of insects obscured the light

clouds of blossoms

it discharged a cloud of spores

Synonym: swarm

2. a visible mass of water or ice particles suspended at a considerable altitude

3. any collection of particles (e.g., smoke or dust) or gases that is visible

4. out of touch with reality

e.g. his head was in the clouds

5. suspicion affecting your reputation

e.g. after that mistake he was under a cloud

6. a cause of worry or gloom or trouble

e.g. the only cloud on the horizon was the possibility of dissent by the French


1. make milky or dull

e.g. The chemical clouded the liquid to which it was added

2. colour with streaks or blotches of different shades

Synonym: mottledapple

3. make less clear

e.g. the stroke clouded memories of her youth

4. place under suspicion or cast doubt upon

e.g. sully someone's reputation

Synonym: defilesullycorrupttaint

5. make gloomy or depressed

e.g. Their faces were clouded with sadness

6. billow up in the form of a cloud

e.g. The smoke clouded above the houses

7. make less visible or unclear

e.g. The stars are obscured by the clouds

the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley

Synonym: obscurebefogbecloudobnubilatehaze overfogmist

8. make overcast or cloudy

e.g. Fall weather often overcasts our beaches

Synonym: overcast