

not:[英 [nɒt] 美 [nɑ:t] ]


not 基本解释

副词不; [用以表示否定、否认、拒绝、禁止等]不是; 几乎不; 未必,没有[用于否定后面的词或短语]

not 相关词组

1. not all that : 不那么...(地);

2. not a : 一个也不;

not 相关例句


1. They refused her request not without good reason.


2. He will never pay, not he.


3. She told me not to see the film.


4. not在线翻译

4. Both houses are not white.


5. Are you coming or not?


not 情景对话


A:It’s only a few (dollars/ times/calls every month.


B:That’s not so bad.



A:My advice would be to finish it at once.


B:That’s not a bad idea.



A:Do you mind if I ask you a favor?


B:No, not at all.


not 网络解释

1. 非门:减少PCB面积,提高系统的可靠性. PLD的这些优点使得PLD技术在90年代以后得到飞速的发展,同时也大大推动了EDA软件和硬件描述语言(HDL)的进步. 在图纸上分别添加非门(not)、输入(input)、输出(output)三个symbol,如图所示:

2. not

2. not:no relation to; 无关

3. not:nordic optical telescope; 北欧光学望远镜

4. not

4. not:none other than; 而是

not 双语例句

1. They are just tools to hold and contain Life, and do not change the quality of Life.


2. No matter what you would like to be or not to be, youmust admit that his decide was right.



3. Therefore, teachers should not only encourage students speaking often, speaking voluntarily, but also try their best to design roleplays in realistic and relaxed linguistic background, and have students develop their motivation in speaking english. Opportunities of speaking English need to be created, to develop students'parcitipation and involvement in class activities, motivate their interest and desire in English, and encourage their persistence in learning.


4. En~~~, firstly, i am a guy, so the deal is not for me, but what i can tell u is


5. We do not have extra time to waste, and please believe me, I always undying love you.


6. We shall drink water from tubewells. If it is not available, we shall boil water or use alum.


7. What you have to think of is the potential of the person, not his appearance.


8. At birth, a baby is not a person, but a potential person.


9. I used to do a lot of private lessons, but my touring schedule does not really allow me to do that anymore.


10. At present, the method for calculating the tube wall temperature in a furnace chamber is not exact.


11. The put in advertisement Google Adsense of the website, but this should not be a reason.

网站的投放的广告Google adsense,但这不应该是原因。

12. I feel what is the most useful to me is not the mantra, but the Twelve Conditioned Links of Caustion.



13. Wang Ping: They come not only to learn Wushu, but also to learn table tennis, track and field, swimming, gymnastics and so on.


14. And assigning at home, this is not my personality.


15. Disabled people will never live on others and disability is never an excuse for not working.


16. not的近义词

16. The increases of pancreatic volume were not affected by BPP.


17. Able to bear external mechanical force but not large pulling forces.


18. No, tho'I had been inclin'd to it, which I was not, nor could not abide the thoughts of it, tho'I was all alone.


19. No, tho'I had been inclin'd to it, which I was not, nor could not abide the tho ughts of it, tho'I was all alone.


20. 2 The agitator use unique form, which separates the hydraulic motor and agitator bearing block, it will not influence fluid motor even though abrasion and slurry leak.


not 词典解释Not is often shortened to n't in spoken English, and added to the auxiliary or modal verb. For example, ‘did not’ is often shortened to ‘didn't’.

not在口语中常略作 n't,用在助动词或情态动词后,例如:did not 常略作 didn't。

1. (与动词连用构成否定句)不,非,没有

You use not with verbs to form negative statements.

e.g. The sanctions are not working the way they were intended...


e.g. I was not in Britain at the time...


2. (构成期望得到肯定回答的疑问句)

You use not to form questions to which you expect the answer 'yes'.


e.g. Haven't they got enough problems there already?...


e.g. Didn't I see you at the party last week?...


3. (通常以 n't 的形式出现在问句中,用于推断某人应已做某事或表示惊讶)

You use not, usually in the form n't, in questions which imply that someone should have done something, or to express surprise that something is not the case.

e.g. Why didn't you do it months ago?...


e.g. Why couldn't he listen to her?...


4. (通常用 n't 的形式,用于肯定陈述后的附加疑问句)是吗? 不是吗?

You use not, usually in the form n't, in question tags after a positive statement.

e.g. 'It's a nice piece of jewellery though, isn't it?'...


e.g. I've been a great husband, haven't I?...


5. (通常以 n't 的形式,表示礼貌的建议)

You use not, usually in the form n't, in polite suggestions.


e.g. Actually we do have a position in mind. Why don't you fill out our application?...


e.g. Couldn't they send it by train?


6. (用于表示对刚提及的单词、词组或从句的否定)不,没有

You use not to represent the negative of a word, group, or clause that has just been used.


e.g. 'Have you found Paula?'—'I'm afraid not, Kate.'...


e.g. At first I really didn't care whether he came or not.


7. (用于 all 或 every 前,表示部分否定)并非,不是

You can use not in front of 'all' or 'every' when you want to say something that applies only to some members of the group that you are talking about.

e.g. Not all the money, to put it mildly, has been used wisely...


e.g. Not every applicant had a degree.


8. 并非(总是…)

If something is not always the case, you mean that sometimes it is the case and sometimes it is not.


e.g. He didn't always win the arguments, but he often was right...


e.g. She couldn't always afford a babysitter...


9. (用于 a 或 one 前加强语气)(一个…)也不,(一个…)也没有

You can use not or not even in front of 'a' or 'one' to emphasize that there is none at all of what is being mentioned.

e.g. The houses are beautiful, but there's no shop, not even a pub to go into...


e.g. I sent report after report. But not one word was published...


10. (用于表示距离、时间或其他数量的词前)不到,少于

You can use not in front of a word referring to a distance, length of time, or other amount to say that the actual distance, time, or amount is less than the one mentioned.

e.g. The tug crossed our stern not fifty yards away...


e.g. ...a large crowd not ten yards away waiting for a bus...


11. (用于对比真实和不真实的情况,尤用于可能使人产生误解的陈述)不是

You use not when you are contrasting something that is true with something that is untrue. You use this especially to indicate that people might think that the untrue statement is true.

e.g. He has his place in the Asian team not because he is white but because he is good...


e.g. Training is an investment not a cost...


12. (用于not only,not just, not simply 等短语中,强调某事物的真实性,但不是全部事实)

You use not in expressions such as 'not only', 'not just', and 'not simply' to emphasize that something is true, but it is not the whole truth.

e.g. These movies were not only making money; they were also perceived to be original...


e.g. There is always a 'black market' not just in Britain but in Europe as a whole...


13. (用于引出否定从句)并不是说,并非

You use not that to introduce a negative clause that contradicts something that the previous statement implies.

e.g. His death took me a year to get over; not that you're ever really over it...


e.g. It occurred to Tom to wonder whether Jane was quite trustworthy. Not that he thought she was in any way politically active.


14. (用于表示强调)一点不,根本没有

Not at all is an emphatic way of saying 'No' or of agreeing that the answer to a question is 'No'.

e.g. 'Sorry. I sound like Abby, don't I?' — 'No. Not at all.'...


e.g. 'You don't think that you've betrayed your country.' — 'No I don't. No, not at all.'


15. 不用谢;别客气

Not at all is a polite way of acknowledging a person's thanks.


e.g. 'Thank you very much for speaking with us.' — 'Not at all.'


16. not half -> see half

if not -> see if

not least -> see least

not to mention -> see mention

nothing if not -> see nothing

not for nothing -> see nothing

more often than not -> see often

not 单语例句not

1. While Li said he had not had contact with Wu in the past, police discovered they had done business together when Wu operated a television media company.

2. The way we've done that is not only through our own development but by developing business partnerships as well.

3. Not far from the hospital, there is another booth in the University of International Business and Economics.

4. Many Chinese enterprises have realized that energy efficiency and environmental protection are not burden but profitable business.

5. Starting a business would put his parents'mind at ease that he will not end up jobless after three years of tuition payments.

6. The shadow of July 23 lies too heavy across the tracks not to invoke second thoughts.

7. But not all banks deciding to register as a local entity are aiming at retail business.

8. Analysts from Analysys International also said that the failure of Best Buy's business model in China is not good for the industry as a whole.

9. For starters, financial failure is not the only cause of international business marriages turning sour.

10. But it is not allowed to intervene directly in State firm's business operations.

not 英英释义


1. negation of a word or group of words

e.g. he does not speak French

she is not going

they are not friends

not many

not much

not at all

Synonym: non