

herbal:[英 [ˈhɜ:bl] 美 [ˈɜ:rbl] ]



herbal 基本解释

形容词药草的; 草本的

名词草药书; 〈古〉草本志; 植物标本

herbal 网络解释

1. herbal

1. 草药:Serge Lutens的Borneo 1834是薄薄一层巧克力粉,Vera Wang的梦想公主(Vera Wang Princess)是花篮果篮旁边还有一块巧克力;Lolita Lempicka魔幻苹果是略带中草药(herbal)风味的天使萝莉版本,

2. herbal的近义词

2. 草药的:fibre: 纤维 | herbal: 草药的 | immunity: 免疫力

3. 中药:中药:herbal formula | 中药:herbal | 中药:herbal medicine.

4. herbal

4. 本草(书植物志:herbaceous草本的 | herbal本草(书植物志 | herbalflavour青草味

herbal 双语例句

1. Dried Scallop Lean Meat Herbal Soup, it helps nourishes the spleen and improves appetite.



2. According to Wang Wei's view that what bear bile is used 123 kinds of Chinese herbal medicine, and has an irreplaceable role.


3. There are many excellent herbal laxative teas available, which contain ingredients such as senna and cascara sagrada bark.


4. On the international market, proprietary Chinese medicine is part of the highest scientific and technological content, but also the most lucrative profits as part of China in Chinese herbal medicine raw materials and plant extracts are not on the share of low, but in the high-end production and marketing of proprietary Chinese medicine is relatively Japan And South Korea, the pharmaceutical industry is lagging behind many developed countries.


5. Natural lubricants and herbal extracts—including certified organic aloe, echinacea and marsh mallow—help provide excellent detangling.


6. Enable students to understand the characteristics of herbal medicines, how to apply clinical, to achieve healing effect.


7. herbal的意思

7. In order to further study, develop and utilize resources of Chinese crude drug in homeland and supply scientific basis for modernization of Chinese herbal medicine, we take studies as follows.


8. herbal

8. Herbal medicine, primarily Lycopus virginicus, Melissa officinalis, Leonurus, Skullcap; for optimal results use in a tonic prescribed by a herbalist or as a tincture diluted in tea.

草药,主要是欧地笋,蜂蜜花成药(Lemon Balm,益母草,黄芪,为了达到最好的药效,最好请药剂师做成町剂,冲淡服用。

9. herbal在线翻译

9. By the end of 2006 Anze Shizhen Corporation will acquire the country`s herbal medicine materials GAP authentication of forsythia, which will provide the permit for the Anze forsythia to broaden the market home and abroad.


10. There are now a Temple of Herbal and Vegetable Kingdom Assessment for this purpose in the Healing Temples for Ascension in the aurora.


11. Objective:To monitor the injury effect of homocysteine on the EC of blood vessels, and anti injury effect of Chinese herbal medicine with the actions of tonishing the kidney, activating blood circulation and eliminating blood stasis.

目的 :观察高半胱氨酸对血管内皮细胞的损伤和益肾活血化痰中药抗Hcy损伤作用。

12. In this paper, wild plant resources were put into three category: arbor, shrub type and herbal, and the three types of plant resources were elaborated on the application in landscape.


13. Companies Products women in red cardócapsules and defibrase posture and other countries show fresh capsules Capsule Series Supervisor word-oriented products; to cool baby Mabel Victoria snake skin cream and a new lipid-based ointment Tong Kin-source licensing ointment series; Yam Shu Jie pearl care solution series; honey Pipagao Lian, donkey-hide gelatin, such as oral liquid series and Jian Tong unlicensed herbal source Chongji series.


14. Listed as top grade in 《 Herbal Medicine 》, muskiness, Dangshen, Chinese angelica, gastrodiae rhizoma etc. have yield occupying a big proportion in the whole country.


15. Green alone, nor is it a simple green can, and this must be taken into Chiao, shrubs, rattan this, herbal, garland wood plant and the appropriate allocation commensurate with the growing seasons.


16. herbal的反义词

16. Shanghai Herbal Legend Rest.


17. Herbal medicine is closest to modern orthodox medicine, and many traditional drugs such as aspirin are derived from plants.


18. The herbal medicine extracted from seeds of the Milk Thistle, Silybum marianum, is known to have antioxidant properties and initial research published this week in Phytotherapy Research shows that this extract might help people significantly lower the amount of sugar bound to haemoglobin in blood, as well as reduce fasting blood sugar levels.



19. In this paper, the principle of determining similarity of chromatographic fingerprint of Chinese herbal medicine is calculated by using of the good character of divergence.


20. In this paper, the principle of determining similarity of chromatographic fingerprint of Chinese herbal medicine is calculated by using of PLS.


herbal 词典解释

1. 芳草的;香草的;药草的

Herbal means made from or using herbs.

e.g. ...herbal teas.


e.g. ...herbal remedies for colds.


2. (草本)植物志;药草书

A herbal is a book which describes herbs or other plants, and their uses as medicines or in cooking.

herbal 单语例句

1. A recent report by the Southern Weekly said that at least 20 percent of the herbal medicines sold at 17 wholesale markets were fake.

2. Only 74 tons of herbal cannabis was seized, the lowest in three years.

3. In several papers showing how a herbal medicine impacts cardiac infraction, the same figures were used for different experiments.

4. Veterinarians are now connecting animals to electric acupuncture machines, treating them with homeopathic remedies and even feeding them herbal TCMs.

5. Insurance companies pose another major threat to the legitimacy of the practice, making a distinction between acupuncture treatments and Chinese herbal treatments.

6. The American is a herbalist, a licensed acupuncturist and a herbal medicine practitioner in the United States.

7. Yet a 2009 survey of herbal cigarette smokers in China found that these cigarettes are just as addictive and no safer than conventional cigarettes.

8. Chinese traditional pharmacology believes using medicinal herbal drugs to clear away heat and toxic material or herbal fumigation can help prevent flu epidemics.

9. The NDRC has joined other government departments to investigate massive price increases for codonopsis pilosula, a root that is used to prepare several varieties of traditional herbal medicine.

10. The doctor said she had a " heated " stomach and liver, and prescribed her herbal concoction to reduce the heat.

herbal什么意思herbal 英英释义


1. tea-like drink made of leaves of various herbs

Synonym: herb teaherbal tea


1. of or relating to herbs

e.g. herbal tea, herbal medicine