

incisive:[英 [ɪnˈsaɪsɪv] 美 [ɪnˈsaɪsɪv] ]


incisive 基本解释

形容词尖锐的; 深刻的; 直接的; 单刀直入的

incisive 网络解释

1. 敏锐,尖刻的:incise 刻,雕 | incisive 敏锐,尖刻的 | incite 鼓动,引起


2. 深刻的:incision 切割 | incisive 深刻的 | incisively 敏锐地

3. 锋利,尖刻,敏锐的:incise 刻,雕,切 | incisive 锋利,尖刻,敏锐的 | precise 精确,正确的

4. 锐利的,尖锐的,深刻的:Onerous 繁重的;负有法律责任的 | Incisive 锐利的,尖锐的,深刻的 | Auspicious 吉兆的,幸运的

incisive 双语例句

1. incisive

1. The condition or quality of being incisive; incisiveness.


2. incisive的反义词

2. Obviously, in painting language, he has been enlightened from the portrait bricks of the Han Dynasty and the civil rubbing from stone inscriptions, while strengthening the use of the simple tools and the limited media to achieve the maximization of artistic tension. He has abandoned colors and brushwork which always fascinated him in the past, while emphatically featuring the connotation of the cross-smear between notch and paint in order to suggest that the historical and substantial abrasion cannot destroy the certain spirit of our nation it abstemiously describes one seemingly veiled allegory in the passionate portray that seems calm and incisive.


3. Sin is a basic idea in Christianity and a traditional metaphor in Western culture, which caries with itself an incisive criticism of mankind.



4. It`s in such era that artists attached more importance to the value of internality and internality itself can obtain an incisive criticism.



5. At times, by its bitter, witty and incisive criticism, striking the bourgeoisie to the very heart's core; but always ludicrous in its effect, through total incapacity to comprehend the march of modern history.


6. In this way arose Feudal Socialism: half lamentation, half lampoon; half echo of the past, half menace of thefuture; at times, by its bitter, witty and incisive criticism, striking the bourgeoisie to the very heart's core; butalways ludicrous in its effect, through total incapacity to comprehend the march of modern history.


7. incisive

7. In this way arose Feudal Socialism: half lamentation, half lampoon; half echo of the past, half menace of the future; at times, by its bitter, witty and incisive criticism, striking the bourgeoisie to the very heart's core; but always ludicrous in its effect, through total incapacity to comprehend the march of modern history.


8. Lawrence`s profound experience and incisive criticism on dualism of life and life paradox of spirit vs. body, material desire vs. belief, instinct vs. mechanized civilization, bring great shock and enlightenment to art and life.


9. What in Euripidean, as compared with Sophoclean tragedy, has been so frequently censured as poetic lack and retrogression is actually the straight result of the poet's incisive critical gifts, his audacious personality.


10. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The palatal bone thickness and bone thickness density were measured at 6 mm dorsally from the incisive canal.

主要观察指标:口腔内侧骨皮质上距切牙孔后缘6 mm处腭中缝的骨厚度及骨密度。

11. incisive的解释

11. METHODS: Measurement of palatal raphe area first three-dimensional reconstruction of images at up to nasion plane centerline, whichever was determined as a reference surface plane, selection one point on incisor cervix in this line, to measurement of the available palatal bone height; sagittal views were selected at 6 mm dorsally from the incisive canal. The available bone height was defined as the distance from the palatal baseline (lower cortical border of the palate) to the nasal cavity (upper cortical border of the nasal cavity).

先在三维重建图像上以鼻根为准确定面中线平面为参考平面,在此线上选择1个位于中切牙牙颈部的点,在其矢状位图像上,选取位于口腔内侧骨皮质上距切牙孔后缘6 mm处为标测点,通过此点向硬腭做垂线确定腭骨厚度,测量范围自口腔内腭部骨皮质外侧边缘至鼻腔侧骨皮质外侧边缘。


12. This avantgarde novella caused incisive discussions in both literary field and critical field.


13. In the third chapter, this article mainly analyzes all kinds of factors of Mao` Edition revision and dissemination, including society culturing condition in the Ming and Qing Dynasties time, Mao Zi` educational background and the thought quality, at that time the intellectual` status in the incisive national contradictory time, the demand to the novel of citizen stratum, as well as the printing publication industry development.


14. About website SEO, elder people had done very incisive analysis, I say me only the method of this single page and effect.


15. incisive的翻译

15. Neither did I want my beloved church to misinterpret the strong, incisive language which I felt was needed to strike conviction to a sleeping congregation.


16. I feel incisive and vivid, with fickleness faded.


17. Renault Twingo RS is also available with a Cup chassis for incisive handling and maximum driving enjoyment.

雷诺Twingo RS是还可配备一个精辟的处理和最大的驾驶乐趣杯底盘。

18. Creative and incisive, he left Raggi flat-footed on the goal and confident slotted past Viviano on 75 minutes.


19. In what the Lu Xun thought is most incisive is to the Chinese nationalistic critique.


20. Although Wang Shuo in five articles, has speaks of each place person迁流, was saying the history as if, but narrates and commentsextremely is actually incisive.


incisive 词典解释

1. 机敏的;尖锐的;深刻的

You use incisive to describe a person, their thoughts, or their speech when you approve of their ability to think and express their ideas clearly, briefly, and forcefully.


e.g. ...a shrewd operator with an incisive mind...


e.g. She's incredibly incisive, incredibly intelligent.


incisive 单语例句

1. Some complained she proved more of a cheerleader than an incisive critic in the mold of Cowell.

2. Regardless of how incisive Zoellick's take on the situation is, there is resistance to the idea of drawing up a new political document.

3. His works demonstrates an incisive exploration of the tension between the Asian meditative principles and Western artistic expressions.

4. They can portray reality in a sharp and incisive manner, and get viewers to acknowledge their condition.

5. It was an incisive point in the authorities'recent rhetoric in the fight against corruption.

6. Tsang added the government is also often inspired by the press's incisive commentary when drawing up policy.

7. They started to pile on the pressure with incisive incursions down the flanks.

8. We have to consider the viewpoints of these politicians and scholars as wise and incisive.

9. His incisive analysis of the world situation has been borne out by developments over the last decade.

10. The problem was that England was not really incisive until five minutes before the break.

incisive 英英释义


1. suitable for cutting or piercing

e.g. incisive teeth

2. having or demonstrating ability to recognize or draw fine distinctions

e.g. an acute observer of politics and politicians

incisive comments

icy knifelike reasoning

as sharp and incisive as the stroke of a fang

penetrating insight

frequent penetrative observations

Synonym: acutediscriminatingkeenknifelikepenetratingpenetrativepiercingsharp