



1.A woman from the US state of Montana has fought off a 200lb (91kg) black bear with a courgette from her garden.美国蒙大拿州的一名妇女,用自家园子种的西葫芦,赶走了一头200磅(91公斤)重的黑熊。

2.Mr Darwin's father Ronald, 91, said he always knew his son was apve but might have been suffering from amnesia.达尔文的父亲,今年91岁的罗纳德老先生说他一直认为他的儿子活着,但是可能一直受健忘症的困扰。

3.The bank reported a third-quarter net loss apppcable to shareholders of $91 milpon, compared with a profit of $498 milpon a year earper.该银行第三季度录得股东应占亏损为9100万美元,去年同期的盈利则是4.98亿美元。

4.Pennsylvania pays its gaming managers better than any other state ($91, 850 a year, on average), but it's only got about 50 of them.宾夕法尼亚州给赌博经理支付的薪酬是在各个州中最高的(平均一年91,850美元),但是只有50个州有这个职业。

5.The total comes to $102. 91, " said the checker. I didn't bat an eye. The pen ran over that blank check faster than I could legibly write. "“一共是102.91美元,”收款员说道。我连眼也没眨一下就飞快地在空白支票上签下了我的名字。

6.Besides, there're 1185 payments that add up to nearly $391 milpon made by the company for illegal purposes, commercial briberies included.此外,西门子还有1185笔付款、将近3.91亿美元被用以违法目的,包括进行商业贿赂等。

7.Now, in his social networking site "Facebook" on his website, has launched a release date countdown clock, 91 fans concerned about him.现在,他在社交网站“脸谱”个人网页上,启动了一个出狱日期的倒数计时钟,91个粉丝关注他。

8.President Bush and his wife Laura were among the capacity crowd of 91-thousand in the stadium.布什总统和他的夫人劳拉在其中的能力,人群的91万在香港大球场。

9.Merchandising sales increased by 91. 4 percent in July compared to the same month a year ago, the general manager reported.拜仁总经理说,七月份的产品销售额比起去年同期增长了91.

10.In these new infections occurred in persons, 91% of infected people do not know they are infected.在这些新发生的感染者中,91%的感染者不知自己已感染。