

midst:[英 [mɪdst] 美 [mɪdst, mɪtst] ]


midst 基本解释





midst 相关词组

1. in the midst of : 在...之中;

midst 相关例句


1. She found him in the midst of a group of his usual friends.


2. midst是什么意思

2. Evidently they were in the midst of a crisis.


midst 网络解释

1. 当中:反思起来我们都不是老实人,准确的说,我们是那些不老实的人当中(midst)的失败者. 是那群不老实的人群中,还算守一点本分的人而已. 请你细细品味一下,你能够在你的身边找出你所想象的,理想中的老实人吗?我们几代人理想中的偶像雷锋同志是一个老实人,

2. 中间:Metric米 | Midst中间 | Minimal最小

3. 正中:midship船中央;舯 | midst正中 | midtrough地堑中部

4. 中央:midnight 午夜 | midst 中央 | midsummer 仲夏

midst 双语例句

1. And thy servant is in the midst of thy people



2. 6 God said, Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters and let it separate water from water.

1:6 神说:让那里有一大空域,使它和水与水分开。

3. And I looked, and, behold, a whirlwind came out of the north, a great cloud, and a fire infolding itself, and a brightness was about it, and out of the midst thereof as the colour of amber, out of the midst of the fire.

1:4 我观看,见狂风从北方刮来,随着有一朵包括闪烁火的大云,周围有光辉。从其中的火内发出好像光耀的精金。

4. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let

1:6 神说,诸水之间要有空气,将水分为上下。

5. And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters

1:6 神说,诸水之间要有空气,将水分为上下。

6. Because, my dear, in the midst of death, we are in life.

因为 我亲爱的在通往死亡之旅中我们还活着

7. Even in the midst of pain and suffering.


8. In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio.


9. midst在线翻译

9. Who was stabbed in the back in the midst of a match by a virulent fan of her vival, Steffi Graf.


10. Phenol is the important raw material or midst substance of paper making- coking plant- oil refining- plastic- pesticide and medicine composing etc.


11. When Mordecai perceived all that was done, Mordecai rent his clothes, and put on sackcloth with ashes, and went out into the midst of the city, and cried with a loud and a bitter cry


12. In the midst of them all Achilles put on his armour; he gnashed his teeth, his eyes gleamed like fire, for his grief was greater than he could bear.


13. In the midst of this early work he married Mrs. Semple.


14. midst在线翻译

14. It means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your mind.


15. midst的反义词

15. Let me tell you, you are quietly most beautiful rainbow in my life no matter whathappens tomorrow, I will beat you, my heart remains Although the situation is still burning as we have misunderstood you have sad circumstances, however, Sunshine in the midst of the total in the spring after blooming love you and I do not regret it because you are the most beautiful rainbow in my life I quietly tell you your life is gentle and kind-hearted I miss your gentle words I know love is the essence of my feelings for you swallow I I silently bear the pain of your life to you, I have no regrets because you are the most beautiful rainbow I always stood in my mind Let me tell you quietly Lane


16. This message it drops into the midst of the program- mers


17. In the midst of the sea your builders placed you, perfected your beauty.


18. Teaching intercourse connects with the art in the midst of explor...


19. It consisted in a peculiar bird-like turn, a sort of liquid warble, produced by touching the tongue to the roof of the mouth at short intervals in the midst of the music -- the reader probably remembers how to do it, if he has ever been a boy.


20. And they shall make me a sanctuary, and I will dwell in the midst of them


midst 词典解释

1. 在(做…)中

If you are in the midst of doing something, you are doing it at the moment.

e.g. Congress is in the midst of rewriting the nation's banking laws...


e.g. We are in the midst of one of the worst recessions for many, many years.


2. 在…期间;当…时候

If something happens in the midst of an event, it happens during it.

e.g. Eleanor arrived in the midst of a blizzard.


3. 在…当中;在…中间

If someone or something is in the midst of a group of people or things, they are among them or surrounded by them.

e.g. Many were surprised to see him exposed like this in the midst of a large crowd...


e.g. Angelo laid the gun carefully on the table, in the midst of brochures and other papers.


4. 在…之中;和…一起

You say that someone is in your midst when you are drawing attention to the fact that they are in your group.

e.g. We're lucky to have such a man in our midst.


midst 单语例句

1. Weakness was by no means unique to Japanese stocks in the midst of a toxic mix of rising inflation and slowing growth known as stagflation.

2. In the midst of his anguish, there is a call over his radio.

3. The director combines the very latest in computer effects with actual aerial footage to put the audience in the midst of aerial combat.

4. In the midst of all the commotion, a leader will show his true mettle and insight.

5. More disappointing is the famous duet Barcarolle, which appears at the beginning of Act Four in the midst of stage commotion.

6. China's cities are in the midst of a massive building boom, creating intense competition in major markets and dramatically increasing energy consumption.

7. Diamond concessions and community mines continue to operate in the midst of crumbling infrastructure ruined by decades of war and dictatorship.

8. Many multinational giants have held back on expanding their production capacity in the midst of a shrinking international market and uncertain economic outlook.

9. A Democratic victory would not signal huge economic and foreign policy shifts in the midst of Japan's worst recession since World War II.

10. In recent years EMI has lost market share to rivals as they struggle in the midst of an upheaval of the music business.

midst 英英释义



1. the location of something surrounded by other things

e.g. in the midst of the crowd

Synonym: thick