

typhoid:[英 [ˈtaɪfɔɪd] 美 [ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd] ]


typhoid 基本解释




typhoid 网络解释

1. typhoid的反义词

1. 伤寒:儿童发病率较高,夏秋季多见,经济不发达国家和地区发病率高,易引起流行.由于该病免疫力维持时间短,菌型繁多,型间无交叉免疫,以及菌型易变迁和耐药菌株的出现,菌痢的防治工作仍面临较大困难.伤寒和副伤寒(typhoid)的传染源是病人和带菌者,

2. 伤寒症:(马尼拉综合电)菲律宾首都马尼拉以南的卡兰巴市出现伤寒症(typhoid)疫情,至今已有1400多人入院治疗. 第一个病人是在2月21日入院. 自星期一以来,病人数目又增加了200多个. 卡兰巴市政府已经在星期一宣布疫区为灾区,

3. 伤寒症、伤寒的:46、malaria 疟疾、瘴气 | 47、typhoid 伤寒症、伤寒的 | 48、cholera 霍乱

4. typhoid在线翻译

4. 肠 热 病:Treatment治 疗 | Typhoid肠 热 病 | Ulcer溃 疡

typhoid 双语例句

1. The typhoid patient says, 'I shall drink a whole pitcher of water.


2. I said to the members of the Brahmo Samaj:'Suppose a typhoid patient is kept in a room where there are jars of pickles and pitchers of water. How can you expect the patient to recover?


3. typhoid的意思

3. It against the traditional medical skills of typhoid, miscellaneous diseases, harm inside and infection outside in the limit. It is a scientifical theory system, and the medical skill which can treat all illness!


4. Objective To explore the effect of CpG-ODN on cellular immune response induced by typhoid Ty21a vaccine.

目的 探讨CpG-ODN对伤寒Ty2la疫苗诱导的细胞免疫应答的作用。

5. typhoid的近义词

5. Methods:Widal test was analysed retrospectively in 87 bacteriologically proven cases of typhoid fever and 922 patients with non typhoidal fever.


6. Mammy: Why…Miss Sue Ellen, Miss Carreen, they were sick with the typhoid.


7. typhoid

7. Indoxyl causes appendicitis, typhoid fever and other enteric fevers and answers 90% of the questions asked by people who seek to improve their health.


8. typhoid

8. Children with typhoid fever often vomit and have diarrhoea.


9. He will take entire responsibility for you. Then you will get rid of the typhoid.


10. But when it comes to religion, I can be as serious as typhoid.


11. For this reason, it is very important to avoid potentially contaminated food and drink when in areas where typhoid is common.


12. A total of 16 typhoid patients (10 children and 6 adults) were included in this study.


13. Lab is equipped with 99 sets of various types of equipment, with a total value of more than 10 million yuan has been carried out, including AIDS, viral hepatitis, syphilis, tuberculosis, typhoid, cholera, malaria, microfilaria and other kinds of infectious disease-related medical examination Project nearly 150 items, annual inspections of about 1.7 million times, numbers and items of medical sub-ranks inspection and quarantine system in the forefront of international travel health care centers.


14. Methods: The Ames test, MTT assay and alkaline phosphatase activity test were carried out to evaluate the influence on the mutagenesis rates of murine typhoid salmonella, on the PDLF and rabbit osteoblasts by different density nHAC leaching liquid.


15. Microbial infestations (including viruses, bacterium, protozoas, fungi, molds, warts, etc), yeast infections, hepatitis A, B and C, pneumonia, whooping cough, food poisoning, dysentery, cholera, typhoid, syphilis, TB, colds, flu, UTI's, ring worm, insect bites, toxic skin infections psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, etc.



16. In February 1945, the situation at Bergen-Belsen became catastrophic when a typhus epidemic broke out in the crowded camp where a typhoid epidemic was already claiming thousands of lives.



17. If diarrhea other than cholera or typhoid is suspected to be a major problem, the following measures should be taken


18. typhoid的近义词

18. Hua doctors said: "The beginning of a typhoid day in the skin, the cream in the Mount fire cauterize Jiyu."


19. Being good at research he became assistant bacteriologist at St Mary's and was involved in treating servicemen against Typhoid in the First World War.


20. For example, if no one is carrying typhoid, it will not suddenly appear.


typhoid 词典解释

1. 伤寒

Typhoid or typhoid fever is a serious infectious disease that produces fever and diarrhoea and can cause death. It is spread by dirty water or food.


typhoid 单语例句

1. Others think Brownlow buried five to six people at a time in graves at the cemetery after they died of typhoid or cholera.

2. Local governments have stockpiled typhoid and diarrhea inoculations which are to be given free of charge to flood victims.

3. Cholera, typhoid fever and diarrhoea can spread easily in flood zones.

4. The appeal was made in view of the increased number of cases of typhoid fever involving people coming from Indonesia in recent months.

5. All Filipinos however are concerned as reports mount of polluted water and fears that typhoid will spread through the Philippines Capital Region.

6. " Typhoid Mary " was not imprisoned for 25 years for treatment.

7. His wife also came to China to join him in 1941, but she was infected with typhoid while treating wounded soldiers and died in 1944.

8. But experts at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States say typhoid can usually be treated with antibiotics.

9. Though the disease has some similarities to typhoid fever, its symptoms are generally less severe.

10. Now, a study based on genetic testing says it was probably typhoid fever.

typhoid什么意思typhoid 英英释义


1. serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration

caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or water

Synonym: typhoid feverenteric fever