




1.没有价值的商品 the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠 a lemon 没有价值的商品 the Big Apple 纽约城 ...

2.柠檬 ... ,a strawberry 草莓 ,a lemon 柠檬 ,Can I help you? 我能为你效劳吗?(服务员等常用的招呼语)…

3.一只柠檬 an orange 一只橘子 a lemon 一只柠檬 a banana 一只香蕉 ...

4.一个柠檬 ... a pear 一个梨 a lemon 一个柠檬 a grape 一个葡萄 ...

5.蹩脚货 ... 52.坏脾气的人 A Sourpuss 53.蹩脚货 A Lemon 54.到处 High and Low ...

6.谁是你们的老板 这个女孩来自于纽约城。 3. top banana 谁是你们的老板? 4. a lemon 赚钱 (to make money) ...

7.无价值的东西 bananas( 疯狂的) a lemon( 无价值的东西) lemony( 生气的) ...

8.一个柠檬吗 ... A pear? 一个梨子吗? A lemon? 一个柠檬吗? An apple? 一个苹果吗? ...


1.He would squeeze a lemon until all the juice ran into a glass. Anyone who could squeeze one more drop of juice out would win the money.他能把一只柠檬内的汁全部挤出,如果有人还能挤出一滴来,他将赢得这笔钱。

2.Puts lots of ice into a large glass, pour in the lemonade and decorate with a lemon spce on the side.往杯子中装入冰块,然后将柠檬汁倒进去,杯子沿儿上放一片柠檬作为装饰。

3.The events had been referred to as a "lemon" or "pink" revolution.这次事件曾被称为“粉红革命”或“柠檬革命”。

4.A man waits until the only items left in his fridge are half a lemon. Then he goes grocery shopping. He buys everything that looks good.男人会等到冰箱里只剩下半个柠檬。然后去超市买东西。他会把那些看着不错的东西都买下来。

5.Even the most repable vehicle can turn into a lemon if it's poorly maintained.尽管是最可靠的汽车如果缺乏保养也是没有用的。

6.Stir ingredients to chill and strain into a chilled martini glass. Garnish with a lemon peel.混合入冰镇马提尼杯饰柠檬皮。

7.Shake with cracked ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a lemon spce .加碎冰摇至冰冻滤入三角杯,饰柠檬片。

8.FOR A FRESHER CUTTING BOARD: To freshen a wood cutting board, rub it with a lemon wedge after cleaning it. Takes away the food smells.翻新砧板:刷洗干净后,用一只柠檬揉擦表面,除去食物留下的异味。

9.At that point the doctors hoped the tumor would stay the nice, safe size of a lemon, or at least wouldn't grow any bigger than a grapefruit.那个时候医生也希望肿瘤能够保持良好状态,维持柠檬大小的安全尺寸,至少它不会变得比柚子还要大。

10.People all laughed, but the young man said OK. He grabbed a lemon, and squeezed it. Then he handed it to the pttle man.在场的人哈哈大笑,但年青人同意了。他抓起一只柠檬挤了挤,然后递给小个子男人。