


英文单词:活动目录服务接口(Active Directory Service Interface);服务接口(Active Directory Service Interfaces);是一种目录服务抽象接口(Active Directory Services Interfaces)


1.活动目录服务接口(Active Directory Service Interface)用更高级别的 Active Directory® 服务接口 (ADSI) 和 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) 对象的脚本来配置 IIS。

3.是一种目录服务抽象接口(Active Directory Services Interfaces) 用户和计算机”(ADUnC) 管理单元或从使用 Active Directory Services Interfaces (ADSI) 的代码,创建 Active Directory 用户 …

4.动态目录服务接口 Active Directory 动态目录 ADSI 动态目录服务接口 Autosizing 自动调整大小 ...


1.At this point, the ASP. NET application stops working, because ADSI did not cache the schema correctly.此时,ASP.NET应用程序停止工作,因为ADSI没有正确缓存该架构。

2.ADSI is the set of interfaces that Microsoft provides as a flexible tool for working with a variety of network providers.ADSI是Microsoft提供的一组接口,作为使用各种网络提供程序的灵活的工具。

3.If you previously used ADSI, then you might have used the IDirectorySearch COM interface.如果以前使用过ADSI,则可能已使用了IDirectorySearchCOM接口。

4.ADSI enables Windows applications and Active Directory clients to access several network directory services, including Active Directory.通过ADSI,Windows应用程序和ActiveDirectory客户端可以访问多个网络目录服务,包括ActiveDirectory。

5.For a WinNT provider, ADSI tries to connect to a domain controller.对于WinNT提供程序,ADSI尝试连接到域控制器。

6.The following figure shows the location of these objects in Active Directory, as viewed with ADSI Edit.下图显示了这些对象在ActiveDirectory中的位置,可以使用ADSIEdit进行查看。

7.Additionally, you can use the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) tool to correct Active Directory entries that are not valid.另外,可以使用ActiveDirectory服务接口(ADSI)工具更正无效的ActiveDirectory项。

8.Exchange System Manager uses Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI) to communicate with Active Directory.Exchange系统管理器使用ActiveDirectory服务接口(ADSI)来与ActiveDirectory通信。

9.Close ADSI Edit, and then restart the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service for the change to take effect.关闭ADSIEdit,并重新启动MicrosoftExchangeInformationStore服务,以便使更改生效。

10.ADSI allows scripting to Active Directory and provides a common programming API to Active Directory programmers.ADSI允许在ActiveDirectory中使用脚本,为ActiveDirectory程序员提供了一个通用编程API。