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英文单词:自动抄表(Automatic Meter Reading);美利坚公司;自动抄表系统



1.自动抄表(Automatic Meter Reading) Commerzbank 德国商业银行 AMR 美利坚公司 Alcan 加拿大铝业 ...

3.自动抄表系统  目前自动抄表系统(AMR)已在我国电能计量部门得到了广泛的应用,它为电能管理的现代化创造了良好的条件。但是由于国内没 …

4.各向异性磁电阻根据各向异性磁电阻(AMR)传感器的基本原理,提出一种非接触式测量活体超声显微镜(UBM) 中超声换能器线性位移的方法。 …

5.美国航空公司新增章节对比美国航空公司(AMR)和联合航空公司(UAI。)新增预收收入的内容新增会计警示:你所有的负债都在资产负债表上 …

6.自动抄表(automated meter reading)相关文档-AMR(AMR: Automated Meter Reading) 智能抄表方案相关文档-电容的谐振频率 相关文档-S参数文档 相关文档-JTI…


1.American had been locked in talks with its pilots union for weeks in an effort to cut costs, but failed to agree a settlement.为了削减成本,AMR与飞行员工会陷入了持续数周的谈判,但未能达成和解。

2.In its bankruptcy filing the company said it had assets of about $25bn and liabilities of about $30bn.在破产申请中,AMR称有大约250亿美元的资产和300亿美元左右的负债。

3.The company has about $4bn in cash that analysts said would be enough to finance American through the initial restructuring process.AMR持有约40亿美元现金,分析人士表示,这足够支撑AMR度过最初的重组阶段。

4.Chavez proposed peace plan for the Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said the initiative "under study. " U. S.针对查韦斯提出的和平计划,阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨表示,这一倡议“正在研究之中”。

5.Take time to visit Amr and the Agile Journal in the coming months to see what these improvements can do for you.接下来的几个月里,不妨去访问下Amr和《敏捷月刊》的站点,看看这些改进能为你带来什么。

6.The Arab League's secretary-general, Amr Moussa, has edged back from his initial endorsement of the no-fly zone.阿拉伯联盟秘书长阿姆鲁•穆萨(AmrMoussa)最初支持禁飞区,现在已经反悔。

7.Meters can be considered as a part of house automations provided that they are implemented with AMR systems.米可被视为一个房子自动化控制系统的一部分提供,他们实施了AMR系统。

8.Finally, the paper gives the performance test result of optimized AMR-WB algorithm and real-time realization.最后本文对AMR-WB算法优化和实时实现的结果进行了详细的测试和分析。

9.Morningstar analyst Basili Alukos said bankruptcy might make it easier for JAL to wriggle out of its alliance with AMR.Morningstar分析师BasiliAlukos表示,诉请破产可能让日航更易于退出与AMR的结盟关系。

10.Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa said the league's proposal to end the standoff is based on three points.阿拉伯联盟秘书长穆萨说,阿拉伯联盟结束黎巴嫩僵局的建议是以三点为基础的。