




1.澳新银行澳新银行下调今年黄金价格预估至1688美元/盎司澳新银行(ANZ)周四(6月7日)下调今年黄金价格预估至1688美元/盎司,称强势美 …

2.澳盛银行曾在澳盛银行ANZ)的银行卡部门工作了十多年的艾伯斯坦(Mike Ebstein)是一名信用卡和eftpos的支付专家。他表示,一 …

3.澳纽银行澳纽银行(anz)也曾提醒过国民银行存在异常高外汇交易,但国民银行非但没有对这一问题进行调查,反而威胁要中止与澳纽银 …

4.澳盛银行集团澳盛银行集团ANZ)指出,澳航的僵局不太可能影响澳洲央行本周四(11月3日)的利率决策或澳元走势(初期的投机性卖压 …

5.澳纽银行集团企业全称:澳纽银行集团 (ANZ)企业简称:anz英文名称:网 址: www.anz网址被屏蔽/成立时间: 机构性质:集团公司 所属行业: …

6.澳纽(Australia and New Zealand)澳纽ANZ)银行经济研究部经理科尔霍恩(Ivan Colhoun)认为储备银行在做决定时已经考虑了前几次降息。他说:“储备银 …


1.An order condition that cancels anz order if it cannot be filled immediately in its entirety.在买卖指示不能全数立即执行时,规定将买卖指示取消的条件。

2.However, Liu Ligang, an economist at ANZ, said the underlying trend showed that inflation was accelerating.然而,澳新银行(ANZ)经济学家刘利刚表示,物价的潜在趋势显示,通胀正在加速。

3.The UK bank said the sale to ANZ was at a US$50m premium over book value.RBS表示,对澳新银行的售价较资产账面价值有5000万美元的溢价。

4.The first bonds likely to be issued were widely expected to be from Australian banks Westpac Banking and ANZ Banking Group, bankers said.银行家表示,投资者普遍预期,澳洲西太平洋银行(WestpacBank)和澳新银行(ANZBank)可能率先发行武士债券。

5.The ANZ's head of property and financial system research, Paul Braddick, said the Melbourne market was in for another choppy year in 2009.澳洲ANZ银行财产和财务制度研究处的负责人,保罗.布莱迪克说到:墨尔本的市场在2009年还将经历一轮震荡。

6.ANZ has made it to the bidding shortlist for the Asian assets of Royal Bank of Scotland, which could deliver it a network in Hong Kong.澳新银行已经对投标入围的亚洲资产,苏格兰皇家银行,它可以提供一个网络在香港。

7.ANZ, one of Australia's biggest banks, observed that the "credit crunch in Europe is spreading to Asia and it will spread here too" .作为澳大利亚最大银行之一的澳新银行(ANZ)表示:“欧洲的信贷紧缩正向亚洲蔓延,而且将蔓延到澳大利亚”。

8.ANZ expects to receive the necessary licenses for setting up a retail operation some time next year.澳新银行预计明年某个时间可以获得开展零售业务的相关牌照。

9.ANZ Bank said in a note that there is a risk inflation could hit the high teens later this year if authorities fail to lift interest rates.澳新银行(ANZBank)在报告中说,如果有关当局无法提高利率,今年下半年越南通胀增幅可能达到15%至20%的高位。

10.As illustrated in Figure 2, she can perform a side-by-side comparison between the Spanish and ANZ versions of the task.如图2所示,她可以执行西班牙和ANZ任务版本之间的并行的比较。