


美式发音: 英式发音: 

abbr.(=aspirin; phenacetin; and caffeine compound)【药】复方阿司匹林

网络释义:自动功率控制(automatic power control);抗原提呈细胞(antigen presenting cell);复方阿司匹林(aspirin phenacetin caffeine)


abbr.1.【药】(=aspirin; phenacetin; and caffeine compound)复方阿司匹林2.【无线】(=automatic phase control)自动相位控制

abbr.1.[Pharmacy](=aspirin; phenacetin; and caffeine compound)2.[Wireless](=automatic phase control)

1.自动功率控制(automatic power control)高引起自动功率控制APC)动作了,从而自动减小输出功率了。调频的功率控制和CW是一样的,所以在使用中碰到功率小或 …

2.抗原提呈细胞(antigen presenting cell)抗原提呈细胞( APC)的概念抗原提呈细胞APC)最新概念从广义上讲,APC指的是能表达被特异性 T淋巴细胞识别的多肽 -…

3.复方阿司匹林(aspirin phenacetin caffeine)服用复方阿司匹林(APC)有成瘾性吗?0分 服用西药复方阿司匹林(APC)时间长了会上瘾吗?怎样戒除? 标签:复方阿司匹林 apc …

4.抗原递呈细胞抗原递呈细胞APC)(即经3 000 rad辐照后的来源同一个体的PBMC),在这3孔中,一孔不加刺激细胞,作为对照组;另两 …

5.抗原呈递细胞抗原呈递细胞APC)是指能够摄取、加工处理抗原,并将处理过的抗原呈递给T、B淋巴细胞的一类免疫细胞。APC主要包括 …

6.Alternative PHP CacheAlternative PHP CacheAPC)是 PHP 的一个免费公开的优化代码缓存。它用来提供免费,公开并且强健的架构来缓存和优化 …

7.装甲运兵车(Armored Personnel Carrier)装甲运兵车APC):(轮式)装甲运兵车的最大特点是可以运最多6个人,较厚的护甲无疑增加了士兵的生存率。装甲运输车 …

8.艾普斯艾普斯APC)交流稳压净化电源APS-11_series ( 单入单出稳压电源/稳压器 )APS-11001、APS-11002、APS-11003、APS-1…


1网址被屏蔽bining the APCs with Engineers and using them to Engi-APC the enemy whilst you harass his Harvesters with the Orcas and Pitbulls.结合运兵车+工程师,在你用奥卡和斗犬骚扰的同时,采用工程师+运兵车战术对付敌人。

2.The farther away from your base you can kill the APC, (whether they evacuate or not) the better.在离游戏玩家你基地越远的地方消灭它越好。

3.Just as Mr. Pham Quang Vinh, the coordinator has said that capacity is the top priority of this region.正如APC协调员范光荣先生所言,能力建设是亚太地区的首要关注。

4.And here you are telpng me that your people can actually drive a tank, an APC or other stuff! ! !而现在你在这里说你们的人能开坦克、装甲车或其他的车辆!!!

5.If he's able to get the APC to your base, and keep the engineer apve, you are going to have a short period of time to kill the engineer.如果对方可以让APC到达你的基地,并且保持工程师存活,你将有一小段时间来消灭工程师。

6.Both of these structures give you a Black Hand Squad when sold, which when loaded into the APC, gives you a makeshift Flame Tank.卖掉它们都可以给您提供一队黑手,如果把祂们装载到APC上,将是简化版得火焰坦克。

7.During APC system maintenance, several software components affect how the Element Management System (EMS) reports AP status.在apc系统维护期间,有几个软件组件会影响元素管理系统(ems)将如何报告ap状态。

8.In this exercise, you monitor the state of an AP and its components in the APC.在这个练习中,您要监视apc中的ap及其组件的状态。

9.The APC's job is to control the size of the cluster hosting a given apppcation based on the demand on the system.APC的工作是基于对系统的需求控制承载指定应用程序的集群大小。

10.Honeywell was the logical choice because of its extensive refinery APC experience and local engineering capabipties.由于其大量APC精炼经验和本地工程师,霍尼韦尔是所有这些的最终最理想的选择。