


英文单词:航空公司品质评价(Airline Quality Rating);宝瓶座;自动请求重发


1.航空公司品质评价(Airline Quality Rating)e undertaken research on Airline Quality Rating (AQR) which has met with national and international accep- tance and ack...

2.宝瓶座 apt language apt 语言 aqr 自动请求重发 arbiter 判优器判优电路 ...

4.水瓶座(Aquarius) TPF 磷酸三苯酯 AQR 水瓶座 DAIU 数字模拟接口装置 ...

5.质量审核 天燕 Apus (异雀)、近南极 Aqr 宝瓶 Aquarius ...

7.正确快速 IT è SCM 变形虫产业组织电子化 AQR: 正确快速 IP: 蕊片线路 ...


1.At least one, AQR, had asked its lawyers to grill the fund's prime brokers about the fate of its assets in the event of their demise.至少一家,AQR资本管理公司就委托其律师对他们让渡中的资产命运向基金的主要经纪人进行了盘问。

2.Meanwhile, Cliff Asness, of AQR Capital Management, argues that there is nothing new about fundamental indexing.同时,AOR资本管理公司的克利夫·阿斯尼斯(CliffAsness)提出基本面指数法毫无新意。

3.AQR has put together some indices (and financial products) to try to take advantage of the effect.AQR将许多指标(和金融产品)结合在一起,试图对其结果加以利用。

4.He and Andrea Frazzini of AQR Capital Management have written a series of papers together on this 'dumb money' phenomenon.他和AQR资本管理公司(AQRCapitalManagement)的弗拉奇尼(AndreaFrazzini)曾就这一“傻钱”现象共同撰写过一系列文章。

5.The hedge fund AQR has just issued a paper on the subject.对冲基金AQR刚刚发布了一份该主题的文件。

6.But he admits that they help broaden AQR's base of investors.但是他承认共同基金扩大了AQR投资者的基数。

7.David Kabiller of AQR says that his firm's mutual funds are not merely a reaction to market mayhem.AQR的戴维-卡比勒认为自己公司的共同基金不仅是市场混乱的反应。
