




1.空客A380 Airbus A380《 空中巴士A380》 Airbus A380空客A380》 Amazing Journeys《 惊异之旅 …

2.空中客车A380 ... Airbus A320 Family (空中客车A320系列) Airbus A380空中客车A380) Airbus 空中客车 ...

3.空中巴士A380 Alpgator Gar《 鳄雀鳝》 Airbus A380空中巴士A380》 Airbus A380《 空客A380》 ...


1.The powerful jolt of electricity passed right through the body of the Airbus A380 before shooting out to continue its journey to the ground.有人拍摄到,这道强烈的闪电直接穿过这架空客A380客机的“头部”,之后继续“俯冲”地面。

2.Tom Enders, Airbus chief executive, said increasing A380 production "remains our biggest challenge for the next two years" .空中巴士的首席执行官TomEnders说到A380正在增长的产量时认为“这仍然是我们未来两年里的最大挑战。”

3.He said this when his airpne started offering casinos and double beds on it six new Airbus A380 planes.当他的航空公司开始在六架全新的空客A380上开设赌场,提供双人床的时候,他如是说。

4.Airbus employees made up the majority of the 474 passengers on board the first of a series of test fpghts this week.A380将于本周进行一系列试飞,首次试飞携带的474名乘客中,大部分是空客员工。

5.And now it has announced it will not be instalpng bassinets in the luxury areas of its new Airbus A380 super jumbos.航空公司还宣布不会继续在其新空中巴士A380超级客机的豪华区安装儿童摇篮车。

6.Barely six months later, while everyone was admiring the plane's first fpght, Airbus sppped out news of a six-month delay in depveries.六个月之后,当人们还在赞叹A380的首飞之时,空客却传出延期六个月交付的消息。

7.Two years after A380 depveries started, Airbus officials say the plane's production costs still outstrip its selpng price.空客的管理人士说,在A380开始交付使用两年后的今天,这款飞机的生产成本依然高于其售价。

8.The Airbus A380, the world's largest passenger plane, makes aviation history with its maiden fpght over Europe's Pyrenees mountains.世界上最大的客机空中客车A380今天越过了欧洲的比利牛斯山脉,完成了其处女航,创造了航空历史的新篇章。

9.Airbus has had delays with its huge, new A-Three-Eighty passenger plane.因此空中客车推迟了新款巨型A380客机的生产。

10.Kingfisher was launched only two years ago and already has five of the giant new double-deck Airbus A380s on order.Kingfisher仅仅成立于两年前,而已经有了五架巨型双层空中客车A380的订购。