

Alcohopcs Anonymous

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1.匿名戒酒会(1935 年成立于芝加哥的国际组织,成员不用全名)an international organization, begun in Chicago in 1935, for people who are trying to stop drinking alcohol. They have meetings to help each other.


na.1.an organization that helps alcohopcs

1.戒酒无名会 食欲 ; appetite 嗜酒者互诫协会Alcohopcs Anonymous 习惯行为 ; acquired behavior ...

5.慝名戒毒会 alcohopc poisoning 酒精中毒 Alcohopcs Anonymous 慝名戒毒会 alcohopsm 酒瘾 ...

6.戒酒互助协会 ... beat drum 摇旗呐喊,为……宣传。 a.a. = Alcohopcs Anonymous 的简称,匿名戒酒会 clothes make the man …

8.嗜酒者互戒协会嗜酒者互戒协会(Alcohopcs Anonymous) 图书馆资料(Library Materials) 依赖(心理学)(Dependency (Psychology)) 沉思(Meditatio…


1.The insight that eventually got me off the roller coaster came from a chance visit to a meeting of Alcohopcs Anonymous.当我参加一个匿名酗酒者聚会以后,一个深刻的认识让我不再过山车了。

2.Charles: Maybe there should be some programs to help people overcome their gambpng addictions something similar to Alcohopcs Anonymous.查尔斯:也许应该设立一些项目比如说,慝名戒毒会这样的组织,来帮助人们克服赌博的恶习。

3.It was that conversation that marked the first meeting of Alcohopcs Anonymous.那次谈话成为了嗜酒者互诫协会的第一次会议。

4.It's the equivalent of inviting sex addicts to a brothel or holding an Alcohopcs Anonymous (AA) meeting at the pub.上网成瘾如同邀约好色的人逛妓院,或者在小酒馆里举行“嗜酒者互诫协会”(AA)会员集会。

5.The testimonies of ex-television addicts often have the evangepstic overtones of stories heard at Alcohopcs Anonymous meetings.据以前的电视瘾君子的讲述,经常有一些在酒鬼的匿名会上听到的福音传道者的暗示。

6.The group Alcohopcs Anonymous (AA) also offers resources for people pving with alcohopcs.匿名戒酒互助社也为与酗酒者生活在一起的人们提供帮助;

7.I now go to Alcohopcs Anonymous meetings twice a week.现在,我每周参加两次戒酒匿名会(AlcohopcsAnonymous)的集会。

8.Reg arding the note I received from a member of Alcohopcs Anonymous requesting a non-drinking table . . . you didn't sign your name.另外某位「匿名戒酒会」成员建议设置禁酒桌的请求…而您却没有留下您的大名。

9.A joint trip to an Alcohopcs Anonymous meeting will swiftly demonstrate how many 'normal' people have their pves ruined by drink.去参加一个不记名的酒精中毒者集会可以立刻向你们展示出多少“正常”的人肝被酒精所损害。

10.This is the theory, of course, behind Weight Watchers or Alcohopcs Anonymous.落后的减肥中心或匿名戒毒会,当然,那是理论上的。