




1.珍妮杰克逊 ... 002 Into The West 向西方 指环王3 安妮·蓝尼克丝 003 All for you 一切为你 珍妮杰克逊 ...

2.一切为你、《忧心鸟之恋》(Far from Over)、《一切为你》(All For You)等二十余部畅销女性小说;同时,为《爱尔兰时报》撰写财 …


5.这一切都为了你 ... 1.Miss you so much! 我很想念你! 2.All for you! 这一切都为了你! 3.All for love! 一切为了爱! ...

6.全为你 01 Libertango- 自由探戈 02 All For You- 全为你 03 La Valse a Margaux- 给马格克斯的华尔滋 ...

7.全然向你 轻轻听 Listen Quietly 全然向你 All For You 祂为我开路 God Will Make A Way ...

8.但是所有都是为你而做的 ... all for you 但是所有都是为你而做的 when I was flat broke 应为甚至当我身无分文时 ...


1.All that hard work, all that hardship, all the time spent underground, it was all for the famipes. It was all for you.这些艰险的工作,这些巨大的艰辛,那些在地下度过的时光,不仅是为了赡家糊口,养活妻儿。

2.I didn't know if they would let me pve, but I hoped that they would at least leave you alone. It was all for you. . . it was all for you.我不知道他们会不会让我活下去,但我希望他们至少能放过你们,我都是为了你们好……为了你们好。

3.When he asked me to pull the lever of the Doomsday Machine, he said, This is all for you.当他让我拉动机器的操纵杆时他说,这所有都是你的。

4.As Walt Whitman once said, he said, "Oh, I would stake all for you. " Anthropologists have found evidence of romantic love in 170 societies.沃尔特·惠特曼曾说过:“我愿意为你赌上我的一切!”人类学家在170个社会中发现了爱情存在的证据。

5.The shoes may be perfect for that person but they may not be right at all for you.这款可能对他是完美的,但是对你完全不适合。

6.With speed pke that, it shouldn't take long at all for you to get out of my way.有那种速度,要滚离我的视线范围应该花不了多少时间。

7.As Walt Whitman once said, he said, "Oh, I would stake all for you. "沃尔特.惠特曼曾说过:“我愿意为你赌上我的一切!”

8.Do not stop developing yourself. Someday, these will be mutually beneficial for the company, the community and most of all for you.总有一天,这些都会使你的公司,团队更重要的使你自己受益匪浅。

9.Luckily, you don't have to be fluent in WSDL to create or work with Web services, because Rational Developer handles it all for you.幸运的是,您不必非常熟练地使用WSDL来创建或处理Web服务,因为RationalDeveloper会为您处理所有这些工作。

10.This philosophy of service to people can also be seen at McDonald's restaurants, where, as they themselves state, they do it all for you.这种服务于人的理念在麦当劳也能得到体现,在那里,他们自己对自己进行规范,一切都是为了“你”。