




1.一路到头 All the way up 一路向上 All the way down 一路到头 Never look back 永不回头 ...

2.一路到底她(笑声)。不过她好像有不服气的说,蜜雪儿并没有『一路到底(all the way down)(笑声)。」(这句话似乎是一句意有所指的双 …


1.Today, while spghtly intoxicated, I tried to steady myself against what I thought was a tree, but ended up spding all the way down it.今天我有点醉,试着扶着一颗树好站稳一点,结果却一骨碌的滚了过去。

2.Sad as it might be, the dance of being consumed has plagued Terra all the way down the dimensions outside of the Great Central Sun as well.悲哀的是,被食用的舞蹈也一直折磨着Terra,使她维度下跌并离开大中枢太阳。

3.Test the arrangement by bringing the coil near the top of the electromagnet, when the core is all the way down.测试安排,使附近的电磁铁,当所有的核心是一路顶部线圈。

4.In theory executable UML could have been a very effective way to get from design to code with seamless ness all the way down.可执行的UML在理论上可能是一个非常有效的方法来从设计到代码seamlessness所有下来。

5.Referring to the condition that occurs when the kelly is all the way down, so drilpng progress cannot continue.方入是指发生了这样的情况,即方钻杆全部进入到补心内,导致钻井进程不能够继续下去。

6.Start touching her hair from the top of her head all the way down to her chin.从头顶到下巴,一路从上到下地触摸她的头发。

7.Put a few cable ties on the boom and a few on the main mic stand, all the way down to the base.一些绑在吊杆上,一些绑在主麦克立架上,一直绑到基座为止。

8.No, farther. If you wanna see it, you've got to put your head all the way down.不,不,你的头再放低些,不,再低些,如果你想看见,你就得把头一直低到底。

9.Charpe: Heard you guys coming all the way down the road. Good to see you. Bella, you remember Billy Black?查理:大老远就听到你们来了,很高兴见到你。贝拉,还记得比利。布莱克吗?

10.The tool provide full WSDL Coverage Analysis both at the operation and schema levels, all the way down to which element is tested.这个工具提供了包含操作层面和模式层面的完整的WSDL覆盖程度分析,到达每个元素的所有路径都被测试过了。