




1.古代汉语 高级报刊阅读 Advanced course In News-reading 古代汉语 Ancient Chinese Language 汉语成语 Chinese Idio…

2.古汉语 ... Ancient Chinese Language 古汉语 International Investment Law 国际投资法学 ...

3.上古汉语 ... 古诗词: ancient Chinese poetry 上古汉语Ancient Chinese Language 中国古代: Chinese ancient ...

4.语文文言文 ... 语文文言文Ancient Chinese language 古汉语虚词: The ancient Chinese function words ...


1.Being not modem Chinese language's rival, however, ancient Chinese language is the direct source of modem Chinese language.现代汉语与古代汉语不是对立的敌我关系,古代汉语是现代汉语的直接来源;

2.Though few in number, DMW has a long history, and it was once widely used in ancient Chinese language.定数量词产生较早,虽数量不多,但却曾经在古代汉语中被较为普遍地使用过。

3.Chaoshan if this is the ancient Chinese language in the Central Plains to wave a product of evolution.潮汕话本是古代中原汉人语言在潮地衍变的产物。

4.On Generative Condition of Flexible Apppcation of Parts of Speech of Ancient Chinese Language古汉语词类活用的生成机制

5.Discussion on Teaching Minority Nationapty Students Signification of Ancient Chinese Language对民族学生进行古汉语词义教学的讨论

6.My favorite college professor of our Ancient Chinese Language course is Professor Wang,我最喜欢的大学教授是教我们古代汉语的王老师,

7.Present-day Shantou pronunciation of characters with voiced initials from mid-ancient Chinese language古浊声母上声、去声字汕头话今读考察

8.A Textbook of Ancient Chinese Language That Integrates Pioneering Spirit with Practicapty Highly一部创新与实用高度结合的古代汉语教材

9.An analysis of the methods of discriminating synonyms in ancient Chinese language古汉语同义词辨析方法初探

10.An Analysis on the Role of Etymology Interpretation Act in the Ancient Chinese Language Vocabulary Teaching浅析语源释义法在古代汉语语汇教学中的作用