




1.安赛乐米塔尔 索尼( Sony) 阿塞洛-米塔尔( Arcelormittal) 德国电信( Deutsche Telekom) ...

3.安赛乐米塔尔公司 PDVSA 委内瑞拉 ArcelorMittal 卢森堡 Pemex 墨西哥 ...


1.He said the issue would "improve ArcelorMittal's capital structure" and help reduce net debts by the end of the year to just over $22bn.他表示,此次发行将“改善阿赛洛-米塔尔的资本结构”,并有利于将今年年底前的债务净额降至仅略高于220亿美元。

2.ArcelorMittal is now trying to secure land at a different location in Jharkhand, says spokeswoman Mandakini Sud.安赛乐米塔尔发言人Mandakini指出,该公司目前正试图在加尔克汉德找寻另外一片土地。

3.On Friday, Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych said ArcelorMittal would not lose the plant and that the case would not reach court.周五,乌克兰总统维克多·亚努科维奇(ViktorYanukovych)表示,安塞乐米塔尔将不会失去Kryvorizhstal钢铁厂,这起案件也不会开庭。

4.ArcelorMittal yesterday strenuously denied it was contemplating such a step.阿塞洛-米塔尔昨日竭力否认其有意采取这一举措。

5.Since then, however, ArcelorMittal has confirmed the partial closure, transferring nearly 600 workers elsewhere within the company.可是,自那以后,安塞乐早已宣布部分关闭那家工厂,并把六百名工人调往别处。

6.ArcelorMittal said its attempt to acquire a minority interest in Laiwu Steel will formally end at the end of the month.阿塞洛-米塔尔表示,其收购莱芜钢铁少数股权的尝试将在本月底正式告终。

7.Yet should one of those options to raise money be via a Rio Tinto-style deal with China, ArcelorMittal should think again.然而,通过像力拓(RioTinto)那样与中国达成交易来融资是否也是其中一种可取的选择,值得阿塞洛-米塔尔三思。

8.ArcelorMittal, the world's biggest steelmaker, pulled out of a joint acquisition of Austrapa's Macarthur Coal .安赛乐米塔尔,是世界上最大的钢铁制造商,退出了对麦克阿瑟煤矿的联合收购。

9.However, we bepeve that the current quarter may mark the low point of the performance for ArcelorMittal within the current year.不过我们相信,第一季度将标志着安塞洛米塔尔集团2011年全年业绩的最低点。

10.Still, ArcelorMittal has a track record of building for the long term from initially small stakes.不过,阿塞洛-米塔尔有过从最初少数股权积累长期股权的记录。