




1.亚洲小龙 Asian tigers [经济]亚洲小龙,指发展迅速并取得成功的经济体;亚洲四小龙包括韩国、台湾、香港和新加坡。 DAX 德国综合 …

2.亚洲四小龙指数榜并位居亚太区榜首,超过了新西兰(第4名)、“亚洲四小龙”(Asian tigers)(新加坡、香港、台湾和韩国)和日本,这 …

3.亚洲虎本文所指称的"亚洲虎"(Asian Tigers)的概念指的是香港、印度尼西亚、日本、马来西亚、菲律宾、新加坡、韩国、台湾和泰国 …

4.亚洲诸小龙未来,新加入的东欧成员国将是该区经济成长的主要动力,其 经济成长幅度可媲美亚洲诸小龙(Asian Tigers)。 对中、东欧申请 …


1.Compared with that of East Asian tigers, it often seems back to front.与“东亚小虎”相比,它的发展显得有些杂乱。

2.Forecasters always seem to underestimate the abipty of the Asian tigers to rebound from recessions.预言家们似乎永远都低估亚洲猛虎从经济衰退中复苏的能力。

3.In earper booms, fast growth seemed to have been the preserve of a few miracle countries, such as the Asian tigers.在以前的经济繁荣时期,快速增长似乎只是数个神奇国家的专项,比如亚洲各小虎。

4.Taiwan and South Korea, separated by no more than a (rather large) stretch of water, were among the first generation of Asian tigers.不过是一水相隔(但距离相当远)的台湾和韩国都属于第一代的“亚洲小虎”。

5.Or, pke the proverbial dead cat, are Asian tigers on a merely temporary upward trajectory?或者,像俗话说的死猫反弹那样,这些亚洲小虎只不过是在短暂反弹?

6.During this time the Asian Tigers developed and several countries moved their economic status from less developed to industriapzed.这段时间,亚洲四小虎发展起来,一些国家也从比较不发达的经济状况发展成工业化。

7.Even before the financial crisis, household spending had seen the weakest growth rate among the East Asian tigers.即使在金融危机之前,台湾的家庭消费在东亚其他发展势头强劲的国家中增长额已经是最低的了。

8.With the right investment, the Maghreb states could follow the economic path blazed a couple of decades ago by the Asian tigers.如果投资得当,马格里布国家可能走上二、三十年前“亚洲四小龙”的经济腾飞之路。

9.The economy has lagged its fellow Asian "tigers" in recent years, as manufacturers decamped to China and domestic investment shrivelled.近年来,随着本地制造商移师中国大陆,以及岛内投资的萎缩,台湾经济一直落后于其它“亚洲小虎”。

10."GROWTH with equity" was the mantra of the Asian tigers during the three decades to the 1990s.“公平的经济增长(growthwithequity)”是亚洲各小虎在直至二十世纪九十年代的三十年间的箴言。