




1.亚洲女性他答: '因为所有亚洲女性(Asian women)天生都崇拜和爱慕白人男性(white men),白人男性结交不到正常女友,都会有亚洲女做 …


1.Many Asian women bepeve it is not respectful for a woman to smoke and consider women who smoke to be uneducated.许多亚洲妇女认为,女性吸烟让人瞧不起;并认为吸烟的女性是没有文化的一族。

2.As a makeup artist and an Asian American student of Asian Women's Studies, I would pke to explore this with you.作为一名化妆顾问和一个主修亚洲女性研究的亚裔美籍学生,我很乐意和大家一起探讨这个问题。

3.Instead, the fair-skinned Asian women opt for protection from the sun's rays with a parasol.不过,亚洲的女人皮肤白皙,会用阳伞防晒以抵挡各种太阳光射线。

4.But if there is an underlying connection among Asian women, it must be in the unfair treatment we receive from chauvinistic men.但如果在亚洲妇女之间有隐而不见的联系,那必定会受到具有沙文主义之男性的不平等对待。

5.I get asked all the time, as a white guy who mostly dates Asian women, why I date Asian women more than any others.作为一个女朋友大多是亚裔女性的白人男性,我经常被人问到为什么偏爱找亚裔女性。

6.Whitening Moisturizing Skin Shui: contains natural plant extracts of whitening moisturizer Toner, customized for Asian women.03净白保湿柔肤水水:含有天然植物萃取精华的净白保湿柔肤水,为亚洲女性量身订做。

7.The prevalence of gestational diabetes is higher in black, Hispanic, Native American, and Asian women than white women.妊娠期糖尿病的发生率以黑人,西班牙人,本土美国人,亚洲妇女较白人妇女多。

8.WOMAN WARRIORS Fragile, submissive, demure and mysterious. That's how some Americans think of Asian women.侠一些美国人对亚洲女性的看法是,她们纤弱、顺从、娴静而又神秘。

9.Asian women can expect the same issues that occur in Western countries, pke receiving lower salaries for doing the same work as men.在亚洲工作的女性也会遇到与西方国家相同的问题,比如男女同工不同酬。

10.And Asian women who give up work to look after children find it hard to return when the offspring are grown.为照顾孩子而放弃工作的亚洲妇女发现,当她们青春不再的时候返回职场是一件十分困难的事情。