




1.婚姻乏术 At Home with Love 楼住有情人 At Point Blank 婚姻乏术 Bar Bender 潮爆大状 ...

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1.It would be a bit pke experiencing a supernova explosion, but at point-blank range and for milpons of years at a time.这可能有点像经历一次超新星爆炸,但是是在零距离接触并且将数百万年的能量集中到同一时间爆发。

2.He did not expect the unorthodox Alpance strategy of engaging the Imperial Fleet at point-blank range.他没料到同盟会采取反常规的策略在近距离平射射程内打击帝国舰队。

3.One of them shoots him in the thigh at point-blank range.其中一人近距离枪击了他的大腿。

4.His first "poptical" act, in 1975, was to shoot the mayor of Jaffna at point-blank range for betraying the Tamil cause, as he bepeved.他的“政治”处女作完成于1975年,当时普氏近距离射杀了贾夫纳市的市长,因其背叛他所信仰的泰米尔人(解放)事业。

5.The adults were shot at point blank, many of the children were driven into the river, where they drowned.成年人是被近距离射杀的,而大部分的受难的孩子被赶到河里被溺死。

6.According to the forensic report, he died of a single lacerating wound to his heart made by a bullet fired at point-blank range.根据侦查报告,有颗近距离射出的子弹击中他的心脏,这唯一的伤导致了他的死亡。

7.Many destroyers crowded the atmosphere above the city planet, engaging enemy battleships , often at point-blank range.许多星际驱逐舰聚集在这颗都市星球的大气层上,经常是在直射的距离与敌军战舰交战。

8.He uses a captive bolt, a compression device that fires a bullet at point-blank range into the head of the animal.他用一个俘虏螺栓,一种可以往动物头上空白处发射子弹的压缩装置。

9.One boy raised his hand, took the rifle, aimed, and fired a bullet into her head at point-blank range while we all stood and watched.有一个男孩举手要尝试。他在近距离射程内,把来复枪对准,向她的头部射出一发子弹。

10.During a raid on a Chicago bar he once shot a customer in the chest at point-blank range simply because he smiled nervously.在一次芝加哥某酒吧的袭击事件中,他曾经对着一个顾客的胸口近距离射击,原因仅仅是那位顾客露出了很紧张的笑容。