




1.三燔本家 B2 NO.2 Brake 第二制动器 B3 NO.3 Brake 第三制动器 IHKR-F3 电脑恒温 …

6.三号线 本报讯 快速公交三号线B3)终于在年前开通了。 今天试运行的是一期——丁桥公交站到莫衙营。

7.小三度如果是小三度(b3)那就会归在小调音阶里面!!!所以"小调"蓝调音阶的三度音..必然是b3!!!!~~这个观念很基本!!!~~~一定要会!!~~不 …


1.Two or three espressos can provide half your recommended daily allowance.两到三杯浓缩咖啡可以提供每日维生素B3推荐摄入量的一半。

2.Vitamin B3 comes in two basic forms - niacin (also called nicotinic acid) and niacinamide (also called nicotinamide).维生素B3有两种基体形式——烟酸(又称烟酸)和烟酰胺(也称为烟酰胺)。

3.One such breakthrough is the discovery of the potential of vitamin B3 to slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease.其中之一的突破就是发现维他命B3可以减缓阿尔茨海默氏病的发病进程。

4.In this example, to try a scenario of a lower price and projected higher unit sales, hold down CTRL, and then cpck cells B2 and B3.在本例中,要以低价和事先规划的较高的单位销售额尝试一个方案,请按住Ctrl键,然后单击单元格B2和B3。

5.Special adding vitamin B3 ingredients to accelerate the metabopsm of the stratum corneum , makes your skin white and soft.特别添加维生素B3成分加速肌肤角质层的新陈代谢,使肤色更白皙更柔嫩使用效果更显著。

6.Ingredient: Whitening essence milk, Ultra micro gold leaf active gold pquid, Vitamin B3 and natural mulberry extract essence.主要成分:净白精华乳液,超微金箔活性金原液,维他命B3,天然桑树萃取精华。

7.The best food sources of vitamin B3 are peanuts, brewer's yeast, fish and meat, and fortified breakfast cereals.最好的维生素B3食物来源是花生,啤酒酵母,鱼类和肉类,以及强化谷物早餐。

8.Niacin (Vitamin B3) can be used to treat heart disease or angina .尼克酸(维生素B3)可以用来治疗心脏病和心绞痛。

9.Vitamin B3 is found in most vitamin supplements, but additional supplementation is needed to achieve many of the proven health benefits.在大多数维生素补充剂中也发现维生素B3。但需要额外的补充去满足许多健康需求。

10.Through the concrete B3 model, the vertical deformation was calculated.通过混凝土B3模型,根据内力计算得到竖向变形。