




1.婴儿潮一代怀着这一梦想的主要是二战后从欧洲移居澳洲及他们的后代,以“婴儿潮一代”(baby-boom-generation)着称。从残酷的战争环 …


1.This will happen as the last of the children of the baby boom generation finish child school.这些将会发生由于婴儿降生的高潮的孩子将会完成学业。

2.This will happen as the last of the children of the baby boom generation finish high school.这将发生在婴儿潮最后一代儿童完成高中(学业)

3.This will happen at the last of the children of that baby boom generation finish high school.这将会在最近的儿童发展一代结束高中时发生。

4.The increase in births after the war produced what became known as the baby boom generation.在战争结束后出生的增加产生什么成为称为婴儿潮一代。

5.Tom was a product of the baby boom generation. He had a bold personapty. His passion for adventure seemed boundless .汤姆是婴儿潮时代的产物。他的性格大胆,对冒险似乎拥有永无止境的热情。

6.The baby-boom generation is leaving behind a poisoned legacy: as the title of a recent book puts it, "Our Children Will Hate Us" .婴儿一代所获得的将是一份中毒了的(poisoned)遗产:正如最近一本书标题所言——《我们的孩子将会憎恨我们》。

7.The baby-boom generation is aging, which will cause the average age of the workforce to increase to around 40 by the year 2005.生育高峰期出生的一代人正在老龄化,这导致到2005年劳动力的平均年龄增长到大约40岁。

8.Entitlement spending is bound to increase as the baby boom generation retires.应享权益支出必须随“婴儿潮”一代的退休人员数量的增加而增长。

9.Mr. Obama extended an invitation to lawmakers to address Social Security's looming financial crunch, as the Baby Boom generation retires.奥巴马号召国会议员们应对社会保障体系隐现的财务紧张,原因是婴儿潮一代人纷纷开始退休。

10.Now companies are worried about losing their most skilled workers, especially as the baby-boom generation nears retirement.现今,许多公司都担心高技术工人的流失问题,尤其是面临“生育高峰”的那代人即将退休。