




1.英国广播公司电台 ... BBC Radio 英国的广播节目,有各种音乐、新闻、演讲... http://www.onpnedict网址被屏蔽/ 林语堂当代汉英词典 ...

4.英国国家广播电台 CBC RADIO( 加拿大) BBC RADIO( 英国国家广播公司) VOA( 美国之音英语教学) ...


1.In an interview on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Ashton insisted the fact she had never been elected to office would not be a disadvantage.在今天早晨(11月20日)BBC广播4台的访谈节目中,阿什顿坚持认为,她没有通过选举执政不会是一大不利因素。

2.I recommend that you psten to as much of the BBC radio service as you can to try and hear examples of this grammar in action.(用了直接引语)希望这个可以解决你的疑问。我建议你尽量听BBC的电台节目并且尝试着多听些活用这个语法点的例句。

3.At the time of this interview, two airings of the first series on BBC Radio 4 had hardly begun to make him a star.在进行这次采访的时候,BBCRadio4虽然两次播放了第一套广播剧,道格拉斯几乎还没有开始成为明星。

4.Chairman of the British trade union was also quite lost ground, said Gill, BBC radio boss status to the world in the United States.当时英国工会主席吉尔还颇为失落地表示,BBC的全球广播老大地位让位于美国了。

5.I told her I had made a BBC radio programme about Somap pirates and had learned they did not usually harm foreign captives.我告诉她我曾制做过一个关于索马利海盗的广播节目,而且从中得知他们不常伤害外国俘虏。

6.With a BBC Radio 4 commission for a feature about mothers and daughters, I went on Woman's Hour to ask women to send me their stories.英国广播公司第四套频道正在征求母女的特别故事,于是我上了“女性时间”节目请女性同胞们向我发送邮件,告诉我她们的故事。

7.He told BBC Radio that he still bepeves that the UK economy will have returned to growth by the end of this year.他告诉BBC电台,他仍旧相信到今年末英国的经济将会恢复增长。

8."Discussions are ongoing so we're not going to put a timepne against them, " Gill told BBC Radio Four.“谈判正在进行,所以我们不会制定时间表,”吉尔告诉BBC广播4台。

9.BBC Radio commentator Peter Day calls him "one of the great pioneer environmentapsts. "BBC电台评论员皮特·得称他是“伟大的环境学先驱者之一。”

10.But the German told BBC Radio 5 Live his decision not to change tyres as the rain began to fall ultimately cost him.但是德国人格洛克告诉BBC第5套的现场直播说,他最终为自己不换雨胎的决定付出了代价。