


英文单词:布朗兄弟哈里曼(Brown Brothers Harriman);布朗兄弟哈里曼银行;百比赫(Bartle Bogle Hegarty)


1.布朗兄弟哈里曼(Brown Brothers Harriman)packers,其实就是多了日语服务而已,这是一家BBHBudget Backpacker Hostels)的加盟店,店里的服务人员多数是日本 …


1.Cindy Gallop is an ad agency guru who used to be chairwoman of advertising giant BBH.辛迪盖洛普公寓是一家广告公司大师谁曾是广告业巨头BBH公司董事长。

2.BBH hopes Zag will provide a quarter of its revenue within two years, though that target remains distant.BBH希望Zag能在两年的时间内把它的收入提高的总公司的四分之一,当然这个目标还很遥远。

3.The biggest of the remaining investment-banking partnerships, BBH is still quite small, with $600m of capital.作为现存最大的合作投资银行,BBH仍然很小,仅拥有6亿美元的资本。

4.So BBH, a global advertising firm, has set up a unit called Zag, which designs, markets and distributes its own products.所以一家广告公司BBH也设立一个公司Zag,来为它自己的产品做设计,营销,物流。

5.BBH is a foreign-exchange dealer but only because this dovetails with private banking.BBH是一家兑换外币的交易商,仅仅是因为这和私营银行相吻合。

6.Carlsberg won full control of BBH, a brewer in Russia, among other brewing businesses.嘉士伯赢得了苏联酒厂BBH的完全控制权,还有其他的一些酿酒事业。

7.BBH does not disclose profits but says 2008 was its best year ever. 2009 was rockier but return on capital was still above 40%, it claims.BBH没有透露过其利润,仅说2008年是其最好的一年,并宣称2009年很不稳定,但资本收益仍达40%以上。

8.The win strengthens BBH's relationship with the candy maker.这场胜利加强了百比赫公司与糖果制造业的合作关系。

9.It is a move that BBH "thought about for 20 minutes" during the froth of the late 1990s, says Mr Donahue.唐纳修先生称这是BBH在20世纪90年代末经济泡沫时所提倡的“思考20分钟”。

10.Therefore, you must add source files (. bbc, . bbh, . bbcc, and . bbhh files) directly to the project.因而,您必须将源文件(.bbc、.bbh、.bbcc和.bbhh文件)直接添加到项目中。
