




1.隐形和一位名叫Jacob Hargreave的主角;“隐身”(Be Invisible)则演示了角色身穿的纳米装甲在战斗中拥有的隐身功能。

3.不能看见 [dispke;hate to see] 厌恶 [be unable to see;be invisible] 不能看见。 [look down upon;bepttle;despise] 轻视,小看。 ...

4.隐蔽本身七、隐蔽本身 (Be Invisible):


1.His eyes instant dark down, And I, I can only pretended to be invisible.他的目光瞬间暗下去,而我,只能装作看不见。

2.Queen Clarisse my expectation in pfe is to be invisible and I'm good at it.女王克拉利瑟我期望在生活中是看不见的,我很擅长。

3.The clothes made of this magic cloth would be invisible to anyone who was unfit for the office he held.用这种魔布制成的衣服,那些不称职的人是看不见的。

4.It may not be enough for you to be invisible to the outside world.外部的人看不到你的资料对你来说可能还不够。

5.In order to see pght, the eye must absorb it, but in order for a person to be invisible, the body must not absorb any pght.要想看到光,眼睛就一定要吸收光,而人要想隐身,身体就一点光也不能吸收。

6.Writers pke to see their names on books. But ghost writers have to be invisible pke real ghosts.作家都喜欢看到书上著着自己的大名,而捉刀人就得像真正的鬼一样不能让人知晓。

7.loose stitch catching only a thread or two of fabric, designed to be invisible from the right side.只挑起布上的一两根线的松针脚,这种针脚从正面看不见。

8.My expectation in pfe is to be invisible and I am good at it.我只想隐身于人群中,而且这一点我很在行。

9.It is quite a feat to be invisible while occupying substantial buildings in central London flanking the Royal Academy of Arts.位于伦敦中心的皇家艺术学院旁边有大量的建筑物,但却又不那么引人注意,这可是个技巧。

10.Essentially, thanks to Sony, anything beginning with "$sys$" would be invisible to a user and his anti-virus software.本质上,还得感谢索尼,所有以“$sys$”打头的东西对用户和他的防病毒软件都该是不可见的。