




1.北京大学 王府井、秀水街购物 Wangfujing, 北京大学 Beijing University 国家博物馆 National Museum ...

2.北大 welcome speech 欢迎辞 Beijing University 北大 story book 故事书 ...

3.关于北京大学英译名 ... 在《王在田《关于 de》 06.02.13, 黄玉明《关于北京大学英译名(之二)》 Beijing Un

4.北京工业大学体育馆 北京奥林匹克公园网球场 Beijing Olympic 北京工业大学体育馆 Beijing University 北京科技大学体育馆 Beijing Science ...

5.北大之旅 ... 网址 Website/E 北京大学考试中心 Beijing University 中国人民大学外语系 Renmin University of China ...

7.简单的如北京大学 中国人民大学 Renmin University of China 简单的如北京大学 Beijing University ...


1."It was really just a question of time, " said Michael Pettis, a finance professor at Beijing University.“这真的只是个时间早晚问题,”北京大学金融学教授迈克尔·佩蒂斯(MichaelPettis)表示。

2.I once had a conversation about this topic with Dr. John Yang, the dean of the Beijing International MBA program at Beijing University.我曾经和杨振宇博士讨论过这个话题,他是北京大学北京国际MBA项目的主任。

3.The company has a strong development team and operational teams, with graduates from Beijing University, Tsinghua University, etc.与此同时,我们的强大的开发团队与运营团队成员均来自于亚洲名校,包括北大,清华,港大等。

4.People Magazine: At Beijing University and students communicate, your report focused on the question of judicial independence.人物周刊:在北大和学生交流时,您的报告里着重谈了司法独立问题。

5.Before he took up the fight against foreign oppression and the invasion of China he was the Dean of Humanities at Beijing University.在他开始反抗外国人压迫入侵中国之前,他是北京大学人文学科的主任。

6.Enraged by the unfairness of it all, a young law student from Beijing University snapped a photo of the scene with her cell phone.一个来自北京大学法律系的学生为这样的不公平感到不满,它拿出手机拍下了现场的照片。

7.When Gabriel Stoian roamed his Beijing university campus 10 years ago, people stared at him.十年前当加百利•斯托安在自己就读的北京大学里漫步时,人们都盯着他看。

8.He came up to Beijing days ago, and he will work there for months as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University.他于几天前来北京,将在北京大学做半个月的客座教授。

9.Remember me in Beijing University, the university four grade graduation, my achievement is still ranked in the last.记得我在北大的时候,到大学四年级毕业时,我的成绩依然排在全班最后几名。

10.This discussion I had at Tsinghua University was fascinating. Not that I am trying to take side between Tsinghua and Beijing University.我在清华大学参加的一个研讨会非常有意思,我不是想在清华和北大之间偏向哪一边。