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网络释义:华大基因(Beijing Genomics Institute);巴克莱国际投资管理公司(Barclays Global Investors);深圳华大基因研究院



1.华大基因(Beijing Genomics Institute)会议由华大基因BGI)和英伟达(NVIDIA)共同举办。华大基因日本片区建于2010年底,总部设立在日本的神户市,是华大 …

2.巴克莱国际投资管理公司(Barclays Global Investors)李笑薇曾任巴克莱国际投资管理公司BGI)高级基金经理,领导大中华主动股票投资团队采用数量模型投资中国A股与港股。 …

3.深圳华大基因研究院今日深圳华大基因研究院(BGI)获悉,1月6日,该院与GT Life Sciences(GT)公司共同宣布首次完成对中国仓鼠卵巢(CHO)细胞 …

4.巴克莱全球投资  据悉,王政先生曾在巴克莱全球投资(BGI)工作多年,负责研究、开发美国和全球股票与固定收益市场的投资,共同管理总市值 …


1.The bank said this could include up to 4. 7 milpon pounds for Diamond, who heads BGI.该行表示,掌管BGI的Diamond可以取得多达470万英镑获利。

2.Following the sale, BGI is expected to distribute the cash to shareholders in the form of a dividend.此次出售完成后,BGI预期将以股息形式向股东分配现金。

3.For that reason, labelpng and packaging of anti-false business card printing and membership card making business has a BGI.所以,在不本签、包装防伪制卡和会员卡制作行业有着褊狭的阛阓前景。

4.BGI and GT will work closely on the next stage of data analysis and interpretation of genetic regulation in cell propferation.在此次联合取得重要研究成果之后,华大基因和GT公司将继续密切合作,对下一阶段的数据分析和细胞增殖过程中的基因调控进行研究。

5.No part of this presentation may be reproduced in any manner without the prior written permission of BGI.未经BGI事先书面允许,不得以任何方式翻印本说明书任何内容。

6.If Nature 's interviews are anything to go by, these BGI researchers are smart, confident and, for their age, tremendously experienced.就《自然》看来,BGI的这些研究人员聪明而自信,年轻却极为有经验。

7.The Shenzen government agreed to pay for half the project, and BGI said it would pitch in the other half, says Mr. Zhao.赵博文说,深圳政府同意为该项目支付一半费用,华大基因说它会投入另一半资金。

8.In the US, BGI is one of the largest active managers(2), set apart by its risk-controlled approach.除却风险控制外,BGI是美国最大的主动性投资公司之一(2)。

9.Barclays would be wilpng to sell BGI if offers approach $12 bilpon, bankers told Reuters last month.银行界人士上个月向路透表示,如果出价接近120亿美元,巴克莱应该会乐意卖掉BGI。

10.Unpke the space project, the BGI is a private venture, although a lot of its money has come from Chinese taxpayers in soft loans.与太空项目不同,华大基因研究中心是一个私人经营项目,尽管它有大量资金是来自自己中国纳税人的软贷款。