




1.大船 [match] 结亲的双方相称。 (1) 大船[ big ship] (2) 水边的高地[ highland in waterside] ...

2.有大船 捕条大鱼笑哈哈 Catching a big fish with a laugh 大轮船 Big Ship 姜凯文 Jiang Kai Wen ...


1.Train has moved; big ship has sailed out. It is impossible for a man to stop it by his own effort.火车已经启动,巨舰已经出港。一个人凭一己之薄力,想要拉住它,使它停住,那是万万办不到的事。

2.The ship appeared to tug owners, they are a big ship waves of turbine, desperately against.轮船的出现对拖船业主们是一个打击,他们以汽轮船产生较大的波浪为由,拼命反对。

3.Soon after this the big ship came saipng in, and the prince's godless wife appeared before her father with a sorrowful air.这之后不久,这个大船航行,来到王子的妻子出现在她面前亵渎的父亲带着忧伤的空气。

4.It was better, he said, to be on a big ship when the waters got choppy.他说,在海面变得波涛汹涌的时候在一个大船上要更加安全一些。

5.The Titanic was a very big ship . It was considered unsinkable, but it sank during it's first voyage.泰坦尼克号是一个非常大的船。有人认为它是不沉的,但它沉没在它的第一个航次。

6.One day there was a fearful storm, and a big ship was driven on to the rocks at Cape Ar-men.一天有可怕的暴风雪,一艘大船被开到了阿曼海角的岩石上。

7.The big ship had to be launched into the river sideways because of her great length.这艘大轮船太长,所以到河里只得横着下水。

8.Lincoln asked one of his friends bought three tickets for a big ship to Panama.林肯让他的一个朋友帮着买了一艘大轮船的三张开往巴拿马的票。

9.Although it was a big ship but it sunk. So the best ship is still my friendship!尽管是一艘大船它也有沉没的一天,不会沉没的将是我们的友谊之船!

10.Maersk Line, operator of the world's biggest container fleet, this week announced plans for a very big ship indeed.全球最大的集装箱船队运营商马士基航运(MaerskLine)本周宣布,计划建造一批超大型船舶。