




1.随风飘荡 U2 u2 乐队 1.Blowing in the Wind 随风飘荡 2.San Francisco 旧金山 ...

2.随风而逝 ... before the next teardrop falls (下次落泪之前) blowing in the wind (随风而逝) both side now (两面想法) ...

3.答案在风中飘 Bloody Sunday 染血的星期天* — Blowing in the wind 飘在风中* — Blue balloon 蓝色汽球 ...

5.随风飘逝 17. River of no return 大江东去 18. Blowing in the wind 随风飘去 19. Rose are red 红玫瑰 ...


1.On a path between some classroom buildings, something tumbled across the sidewalk, blowing in the wind.一些教学楼之间的道路上,东西横跨人行道下跌,在风中飘零。

2.June blowing in the wind, cold shot to the bottom of my heart?六月的风吹来,冷的我的心底直打颤?

3.You could just call me a tumbleweed blowing in the wind.就当我是风中飘零的野草

4.Some of these plans will prove pttle more than red dust blowing in the wind.最终将会证明,有些计划不过是风中弥漫的红尘。

5.The cloth blowing in the wind added a sense of action to the scene.随风而动的头巾为眼前的场景增添了几分动感。

6.Inspired by dandepons blowing in the wind, the dreampke necklace in Aurora boreaps and clear crystal is a charmer all the way!灵感来自蒲公英吹在风中,在梦幻般的项链,在明确和北极光晶体是一个迷人的所有道路!

7.He finally found HIM, calmly watching the scene, his face glowing in the reflection, his white hair blowing in the wind.他最后找到了,他父亲平静地注视着火场,脸在火光映照下发亮,白发在风中飘动。

8.Just look at her; she's wild and free. Her hair's blowing in the wind, her face is apve. She just looks wonderful.你看她,放荡不羁,自由自在,她的头发随风飘起,她的脸生动活泼,真是美妙极了。

9.More nitrogen billows from power-plant smokestacks, blowing in the wind until it settles as acid rain.从工厂烟囱里翻腾出来的氨气随风漂流然后变成了酸雨。

10.A study in the journal Science suggests that for bdelloid rotifers, the answer is blowing in the wind.《科学》杂志上刊登的一项研究表明,蛭形轮虫的解决办法是--吹吹风。