


英文单词:纽约梅隆银行集团;纽约银行(Bank of New York);纽约梅陇银行


1.纽约梅隆银行集团  纽约梅隆银行集团(BNY)周三发布财报显示,该公司当季净盈利从上年同期的5.05亿美元,合每股42美分,增至6.22亿美元,合 …

2.纽约银行(Bank of New York)纽约银行是纽约历史最悠久的银行,於1784年创建,纽约银行 (BNY) 是美国最大的金融控股公司和全球债券服务提供者之一, …

3.纽约梅陇银行摘要:纽约梅陇银行(BNY)外汇策略师10月5日称,9月利好的非农报告暗示美国三季度经济将超预期反弹,鉴于近期希腊债务 …

4.贝罗纳贝罗纳 (BNY) 机场

5.贝罗纳机场附近机场:贝罗纳机场(bny) 贝罗纳机场 霍尼亚拉机场 伦内尔飞往中国国内的特价机票 中国国内飞往伦内尔的特价机票 伦内尔 …


1.BNY Mellon pointed out that Portugal had come under pressure on the markets this week, with the cost of its borrowing rising.纽约梅隆银行指出葡萄牙这周在市场上受到了压力,因为其借贷成本提高。

2.Bny targets that are created during the interaction are placed further down the diagram, at their time of creation.不论什么在交互期间创建的目标放置在挨次图的下方(也就是它被创建时的位置)。

3.BNY Mellon says it made proper client representations and is cooperating with inquiries by 'certain governmental authorities. '纽约银行说其向客户做了适当的陈述,并说正在配合“某些政府机构”的问询。

4."In the current circumstances, there is no reason to increase your holding of U. S. dollars, " said BNY Mellon strategist Michael Woolfolk.BNYMellon策略师MichaelWoolfolk说道:“目前环境下,没有理由要增加美元持仓。”

5.State Street and BNY Mellon say they have done nothing wrong and will defend themselves.道富银行和纽约银行说,他们未从事任何不当行为,并会为自己辩护。

6.BNY Mellon, for instance, needs roughly a dozen employees to run the fund day-to-day.以纽约银行为例,大约只需十几名员工来负责该基金的日常运营。

7.BNY Mellon Asset Management has about $1 trillion in assets under management.梅隆资产管理掌管约1万亿美元的资产。

8.Employee: Bny meal allowance as available?人员:有餐费补助吗?

9.It hadn't been previously known that the SEC was examining BNY Mellon's activities.证监会在调查纽约银行的外汇活动这一消息此前一直未公开。

10.BNY Mellon announced an offering after the market closed.纽约银行在收盘后宣布了发行股票的计划。
