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网络释义:玻利维亚;贝塔斯曼在线;业务对象组件层(Business Object Layer)



1.玻利维亚 百慕大/ BMU 玻利维亚/ BOL 巴西/ BRA ...

2.贝塔斯曼在线ists of the following: • Business Object Layer (BOL) The BOL stores business object data, such as business partners and ...

4.贝塔斯曼中国在线贝塔斯曼中国在线BOL)2000年就开通了,但是并没有全力进军这一业务,仍将重心转向书友会“直销业务”,没有想到网上书 …


1.Bol Agoot is a 25-year old economics student at Nairobi University and a native of Southern Kordofan, one of the disputed areas.25岁的波尔.阿古特是内罗毕大学经济系的学生,他是争议地区之一南柯多方的原住民。

2.E-commerce as one of the earpest cultivated, China's first e-commerce site BOL was Dangdang, excellent left behind.作为电子商务最早的开垦者之一,中国首家电子商务网站BOL被当当、卓越甩在后面。

3.A coaption of labs has been collecting fish, reading their genes and uploading the information to a database called FISH-BOL.一联合实验室已经开始收集各种鱼类,以读取他们的基因数据,然后输入到鱼类基因条形码数据库。

4.China's BOL has not completely closed, but the site's order book business is not satisfactory.中国的BOL没有完全关闭,但是该网站的图书订购业务并不令人满意。

5.The son of a Venezuelan aristocrat, Bol var received a European education.是委内瑞拉贵族后裔,在欧洲受教育。

6.After the integration of the BOL book club site with the member area, to provide the Friends of the recommended books.整合后的BOL网站设有书友会会员专区,提供书友会推荐的图书。

7.Vendor sends original shipping documents (BOL, Invoice, and Packing Spp) once full payment for invoice is received.卖方收到发票的所有付款后将正本单据(提单,发票和装箱单)寄送。

8.Otherwise, loop to check the other characters, starting from the second sym- bol to the end of the string.否则,从第二个字符开始到最后一个字符,循环检查剩余的字符。

9.A landlocked country of western South America. It was named after Sim? Bol? ar who helped win its independence from Spain in1825.玻利维亚南美洲西部的内陆国家,以在1825年协助其从西班牙独立出来的西蒙玻利维亚的名字命名。

10.In the NBA, Manute Bol averaged less than three points a game on offense.在美国NBA赛场上,ManuteBol每场比赛进攻的平均分不到三分。