


美式发音: 英式发音: 


英文单词:马上回来(be right back);屈曲约束支撑(buckling-restrained brace);屈曲支撑



1.马上回来(be right back) DL:download, 下载 BRB:Be right back, 马上回来 TTYL:Talk to you later, 再见,下次回头再谈 ...

2.屈曲约束支撑(buckling-restrained brace)屈曲约束支撑BRB)式桁框结构在循环荷载作用下的破坏机理鲍镇 【摘要】:用桁架代替传统框架结构中的实腹式钢梁称为 …

3.屈曲支撑约束屈曲支撑(BRB) 约束屈曲支撑 约束屈曲支撑(BRBs) 参考词条 防屈曲支撑-框架结构 屈曲约束耗能支撑 TJⅡ型屈曲约束支 …

4.血视网膜屏障(blood-retinal barrier)其次,与血视网膜屏障(BRB)破坏和/或炎症(如脉络膜脱离,过度冷凝和出血)有关的危险因素可致PVR。第三,大范围RPE细胞 …

5.挫屈束制斜撑(buckling restrained bracing)挫屈束制斜撑BRB)3) BRB 挫屈束制斜撑 4) buckling-restrained braces 挫屈束制支撑 补充资料:挫屈 1.屈折,屈辱。


1.According to the researches and analysis above, the feasibility to use the new-style BRB as a monitoring component was verified.从研究分析可知,该新型抑制屈曲支撑作为监测构件是可行的。

2.To view the polling frequency, start the Rule Management application and navigate to the com. ibm. websphere. brb folder.要查看轮询频率,请启动RuleManagement应用程序,并导航到com.ibm.websphere.brb文件夹。

3.The user can change this value by changing the single initialization parameter specified for the "BRB CacheRule" rule.用户可以通过更改为“BRBCacheRule”规则指定的单个初始化参数来更改此值。

4.The serious breakdown of BRB in the peripheral retina preceded the central retina.视网膜周围部BRB先于中央部出现严重破坏;

5.Ok, I'll go make some coffee for the meeting, BRB!我去帮会议准备咖啡,马上回来。

6.In order to avoid the disadvantages of the existing BRB, a new type of BRB with gap and protuberance was invented.为了避免常规屈曲约束支撑存在的上述缺陷,自主研制开发了一种带有缝隙和防滑凸起的新型屈曲约束支撑。

7.Locate the default rule called "BrB CachRule. "定位称为“BrBCachRule”的缺省规则。

8.BRB! I'm gunna go pick up some pizza for dinner!一会回来,我现在去拿一些比萨作晚饭。

9.I gotta go to the store! BRB!我去超市下,马上回来!
