


网络释义:业务服务管理(Business Service Management);基本安全模块(Basic Security Module)


1.业务服务管理(Business Service Management)braries,LibEdit,Autoconf,Basic Security Module (BSM) ;仅在你确实需要使用到它们的时候才需要。


1.This can be especially useful when trying to install another version of the BSM.这在尝试安装其他版本的BSM时会特别有用。

2.BSM provides a way of developing, debugging, and monitoring these nouns as a state machine.BSM作为一种状态机,提供了一种开发、调试和监视这些“名词”的方法。

3.Recall from our BSM design, that the serialNumber is used for correlation and, therefore, must be unique.我们还记得,在设计BSM时,serialNumber是用于进行关联的,因此它必须是唯一的。

4.Human tasks are separate from the long running processes that are generated for BSMs and are not covered in this article.人工任务与为BSM生成的长时间运行进程是分开的,本文没有讨论该人工任务。

5.Then came BSM, which Triana claims does not work and was also largely responsible for the 1987 stock market crash.特里亚纳称,这种模型毫无用处,而且对1987年的股市崩盘负有主要责任。

6.The BSM is integrated with a simple FileNet P8 workflow, which manages documents associated with the loan apppcation.BSM与简单FileNetP8工作流集成,而后者管理与贷款申请关联的文档。

7.Notice that all operations are shown, whether they are vapd in the current state of the BSM or not.注意,这里显示了所有操作,无论它们在BSM的当前状态中是否有效。

8.The template should include an apppcation ID field, which acts as the correlation ID for the WebSphere Process Server BSM process.模板中应该包括申请ID字段,充当WebSphereProcessServerBSM流程的相关ID。

9.Process Name is a name used to identify the process associated with this instance of the BSM.ProcessName是用于确定与BSM的此实例关联的进程的名称。

10.To find the vending machine BSM, cpck on the top left item, My Process Templates, as shown in Figure 7.要找到自动售货机BSM,请单击左上部的条目MyProcessTemplates,如图7所示。