

bad apple

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复数:bad apples  


n.1.someone who does bad things and influences other people so they that do bad things too

1.坏家伙 三千大佬/3000安打先生 Mr 3000 坏家伙 Bad Apple 超完美男人/完美超男子 The Perfect Man ...

2.坏苹果 好苹果 GOOD APPLE 坏苹果 BAD APPLE 红苹果 RED APPLE ...

3.坏蛋.的日志 - 网易博客 ... adam's apple 喉结 bad apple 坏蛋 apple popsher 马屁精 ...

4.害群之马 back to square one 前功尽弃,(因失败)从头再来 bad apple 害群之马,坏蛋 badblood 恶感,敌 …

5.坏掉的我首页 > 翻唱 > 坏掉的我Bad apple)填词:十二玄樱发布大喇叭 5SING 中国原创音乐基地翻唱 原创翻唱伴奏会员 登录 注册 …

6.坏律师不像其他行业协会, 美国的律师协会是一个靠自律(Self- regulated)的团体, 它不允许任何败坏律师行规的坏律师(Bad Apple) …


1.Opver has always been a bad apple. Wherever he goes, there's going to be trouble for sure.奥利弗历来就是一个不可救药的坏蛋,无论他到哪里,哪里就必定有麻烦。

2.Mr Bush thinks the current crisis stems from a few bad-apple chief executives rather than the system as a whole.布什认为,目前的危机源于一些“烂苹果”式的企业主管人员,整个体制并没有问题。

3.I could study him, have him come to my home, get to know him, do psychological analysis to see was he a good apple or bad apple.我同他接触,我可以研究他,让他来我家,了解他,作些心理上的分析来判断他是个好苹果还是坏苹果。

4.Why? Because size and complexity increase the chances of cross-contamination of the whole barrel, even if there is only one bad apple.为什么?因为即便只有一颗坏苹果,但规模与复杂性会增加交叉感染的几率。

5.The corruption in the government started with a bad apple, a high official two years ago. Now the whole system is corrupt.两年以前政府的腐败以一个坏蛋,一个高级官员开始.现在整个系统都腐败。

6.Bad: There is always a bad apple in every class.一天一苹果,医生不找我。

7.There is always a bad apple in every bunch.在那儿都有害群之马。

8."He truly was the bad apple that spoiled the barrel, " Felps said.Felps:“他的确是毁了一桶好苹果的那颗坏苹果。”

9.He was a bad apple, I'm glad we broke up.他是个坏蛋,很高兴我们已经分手了。

10.Heard of the relevant one bad apple on the old saying?听说过那个有关一个坏苹果的古语么?