




1.八达岭长城1.八达岭长城(Badapng Great Wall)入选理由:长城就像一条中国龙,闪耀千年智慧,凝固万里豪情,它是中华民族的骄傲和象 …


1.The Badapng Great Wall is a great ancient Chinese defenses to a section of the Great Wall, the Great Wall is a mountain.八达岭长城是中国古代伟大的防御工程万里长城的一部分,是明长城的一个隘口。

2.And the Badapng Great Wall is the most representative one of the Great Wall. On the peak of the Badapng, the Great Wall is towering.其中八达岭长城是最具有代表性的一段长城。这段长城位于八达岭之上,看起来高耸入云。

3.Badapng Great Wall was the earpest part of the great Wall opened to tourists.八达岭长城是最早的一部分,长城向游客开放。

4.Badapng Great Wall Shicheng 9 Cypriots one of the world, is the essence of the Great Wall and an outstanding representative.八达岭长城史称天下九塞之一,是万里长城的精华和杰出代表。

5.Badapng Great Wall of Ming Dynasty Great Wall is the best preserved section is the section of the most representative.八达岭长城是明长城中保存最好的一段,也是最具代表性的一段。

6.suburb of Beijing where the most fun, of course ought to Badapng Great Wall, followed by Longqing Gorge.北京郊区最好玩的地方,当属八达岭长城,其次为龙庆峡。

7.In 1988, the Badapng Great Wall by the United Nations as a world cultural heritage of mankind.1988年,八达岭万里长城被联合国列为世界人类文化遗产。

8.Ming Great Wall in Badapng Great Wall is an outstanding representative, because this is easily accessible, it becomes Badapng.八达岭长城是明长城中的杰出代表,因为这里四通八达,故成为八达岭。

9.Badapng Great Wall is the essence of the whole Ming Dynasty Great Wall.八达岭长城是万里长城的代表,是明代长城中的精华。

10.Full of confidence of a bright future, and want your sweetheart to know? Go to the Badapng Great Wall!如果你对未来充满信心,要让你的爱侣了解,那么就到八达岭长城去吧!