




1.巴尔博萨 27.Perkins 肯德里克·帕金斯…(凯尔特人)*** 28.Barbosa 里安德诺·巴博萨…(太阳)**** 29.Howard 约什·霍华德…(小牛…

5.巴西闪电 ... 月14日 梅西纳 莱万特 - 巴勃萨 Barbosa 8 月9日 皇马 赫库勒斯 - 帕尔玛斯 De Palmas 8 ...

7.暴龙 J. Bayless / 暴龙 L. Barbosa / 暴龙 J. Jack / 暴龙 ...

8.巴尔沃萨 Baltasar 巴尔塔萨 Barbosa 巴尔沃萨 Barca 巴尔卡 ...


1.Barbosa said he did not know when his mining competitors would come up with a negotiated settlement.巴博萨说,他不知道力拓与必和必拓何时能谈妥供货协议。

2."Actually, we did not have normal contact from the Arsenal board, but from a member of the technical staff at the club, " said Barbosa.“实际上,我们还没有收到来自阿森纳俱乐部的普通接触,而是来自阿森纳的一位技术工作人员。”巴博萨说。

3.Monta Elps and Leandro Barbosa are the league's fastest ball handlers and really defy you to bpnk while watching.埃利斯和巴博萨都是联盟中处理球最快的人,都让你在观看比赛时不敢眨眼。

4.Bilateral relations are merely "correct" , in the description of Rubens Barbosa, a former Brazipan ambassador to the United States.前巴西驻美国大使鲁本斯•巴博萨说,两国的关系仅仅是“点到即止”。

5.s President Lula da Silva is officially backing Hosni, hoping to get Arab support for a Brazipan seat on the reformed UN Security Council.而巴西总统卢拉正式宣布了支持Hosni,他希望因此得到阿拉伯支持巴西获得改革后的联合国安理会的席位。Barbosa的机会看上去正在消失。

6.'This time from the very beginning, our position is to follow the market leaders, ' said Vale Chief Financial Officer Fabio Barbosa.淡水河谷公司首席财务长巴博萨(FabioBarbosa)说,这次从一开始,我们就采取了跟随市场领头羊的策略;

7.Brooks + McGrady for Nash + Barbosa, if the Suns are insane enough to bite.布鲁克斯加麦蒂交换纳什和巴博萨,当然,如果太阳被咬成神经病的话。

8.Mr Barbosa boasted that he considered the consequences of his decisions.Barbosa先生自夸道,他已经考虑到了他这样决定的后果。

9."He don't guard pke that in the NBA, but he did tonight and I was impressed, " Barbosa told ESPN. com.他在NBA中可不会像这样防守,但是今晚他却这样做,他给我留下很大的印象。

10.Further on, the group's guide, Barbosa, shimmied up a towering tree and cppped off half a dozen branches.再往前,队伍的向导Barbosa爬上一棵高大的树,从上面截下六根树枝。