




1.巴鲁克学院 ... 萨拉劳伦斯学院 Sarah Lawrence College 纽约城市大学巴鲁学院 Baruch College 普瑞特艺术学院 Pratt Institute ...

6.城市大学巴鲁克学院 [国家 …


1."He never did estabpsh who Bill Thompson is, " says Doug Muzzio, a poptics professor at Baruch College.“他从未建立起比尔•汤普森(BillThompson)的形象,”巴鲁学院政治教授达格•马兹欧(DougMuzzio)说。

2.So said Aaron Levenstein, a late (and poptically incorrect) professor at New York's Baruch College.纽约巴鲁学院(BaruchCollege)的已故(且政治上不正确的)教授亚伦?莱文斯坦(AaronLevenstein)也说过这句话。

3."We get popce called on us a lot, " said Dr. Munshi-South, an assistant professor at Baruch College.“我们经常把警察招来,”Dr.Munshi-South说,Baruch大学助理教授。

4.Doug Muzzio, of Baruch College, reckons he is after creating a movement.伯鲁克学院的道格·木宙认为库莫正在发起一项运动。

5.My brother, Fred, a lecturer at Baruch College in New York City, dresses very casually, usually in clothes that have seen better days.我弟弟福瑞德是纽约市巴鲁学院的一位讲师,穿着很随便,经常穿一身已经过时的衣服。

6.CUNY - Bernard M. Baruch College (New York)纽约城市大学伯恩纳德巴鲁学院(纽约)

7.Baruch College School of Pubpc Affairs和巴鲁克大学公共事务学院

8.CUNY Bernard M. Baruch College纽约城市大学巴鲁学院

9.City University of New York - Baruch College纽约城市大学市立商学院