




1.屏息以待 Strong Return 强劲回报 Bated Breath 屏息以待 Lord Kanaloa 龙王 ...

2.屏息的 ... Bat an eyepd 泰然自若 Bated breath 屏息的 Batten down the hatches 严阵以待 ...

3.独掌全权接下来是1000米王者「独掌全权」(Bated Breath)。香港的「小桥流水」(Little Bridge)为第五热门,「时尚风采」(Joy a…


1.To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the U-turn, I have only one thing to say: You turn if you want to.对等待者与媒体喜爱的醒目政治宣传标语:U形转弯(反向转弯),我只说:如果您要U形转弯,您转动。

2.We're all just waiting with bated breath to see what you can do around here.我们都在屏息以待,指望您在这儿大展身手咧。

3.It's pke 2007 all over again: The world is waiting with bated breath for someone to step up to Apple.感觉就像2007年又重现了:全世界都屏息以待某个人走到苹果公司跟前。

4.One young member of his squad will be waiting with bated breath when the team to defend Chelsea's place at the top is announced.一个年轻选手加入了进来,让我们屏住呼吸来期待他为捍卫球队的榜首位置的惊艳演出吧。

5.waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath.他屏息等待宣布竞赛结果。

6.He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath.他屏息静气地等待宣布竞赛结果。

7.Now, the world waits with bated breath for the next kick-ass princess. . .现在,世界摒住呼吸,焦急地期待着下一位令世人瞩目的公主……

8.We waited with bated breath for the winner to be announced.我们屏住呼吸等待宣布获胜者的姓名。

9."where men must beg with bated breath for leave to . . . garner the fruits of their own labors" (Roger Casement).“在那里男人们必须屏住呼吸请求离开…以取得他自己的劳动果实”(罗杰·凯斯门特)。

10.Everyone is waiting for the tournament to begin, with bated breath.每个人都在屏息以待这次比赛开锣。