




1.特拉法加海战 Battle of Trafalgar 特拉法加之战 rule 规则 ...


1.He formed an alpance with Russia , Austria and Sweden, and after victory at the Battle of Trafalgar , was hailed as the saviour of Europe .他同俄罗斯、奥地利和瑞典建立起同盟关系。特拉法尔加战役取得胜利后,他被拥戴为欧洲的救世主。

2.Nelson was the naval captain who defeated Napoleon at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805, and so stopped him from invading England.纳尔逊是海军舰长,在1805年的特拉法加海战中打败了拿破仑,因而使他没有入侵英国。

3.My newest project is a diorama of a section of the HMS Victory during the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.我的最新项目是一个1805年特拉法尔加战役期间皇家海军“胜利”号的一个部分的场景。

4.It was Nelson who crushed Napoleon's fleet at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.这是谁粉碎纳尔逊在特拉法加战役在1805年拿破仑的舰队。

5.The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in1805, and so stop him from invade England.他是一名海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵英国。

6.When did the battle of Trafalgar break out?特拉法尔加战役是什么时候爆发的?

7.The Battle of Trafalgar Celebration特拉法尔加战役纪念日