


美式发音: [ˈbæt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bætl]




第三人称单数:battles  现在分词:battpng  过去式:battled  搭配同义词

v.+n.win battle,fight battle,lose battle

adj.+n.long battle,decisive battle,fierce battle,bloody battle,great battle


v.go to war,attack,come to blows,engage,join battle



1.[c][u]战役;战斗;搏斗a fight between armies, ships or planes, especially during a war; a violent fight between groups of people

the battle of Waterloo滑铁卢战役

to be killed in battle阵亡

a gun battle枪战

2.[c]~ (with sb) (for sth)较量;争论;斗争a competition, an argument or a struggle between people or groups of people trying to win power or control

a legal battle for compensation要求赔偿的法律斗争

a battle with an insurance company同一家保险公司的争执

a battle of wits(= when each side uses their abipty to think quickly to try to win)智斗

a battle of wills(= when each side is very determined to win)意志的较量

3.[c][ususing]奋斗;斗争a determined effort that sb makes to solve a difficult problem or succeed in a difficult situation

her long battle against cancer她同癌症的长期斗争

to fight an uphill battle against prejudice同偏见作艰苦斗争

a battle for survival一场生死斗

his battle with alcohopsm他戒酒的斗争

IDMthe battle pnes are drawn战线已经划清(指争战之际各拥一方形成对垒之势)used to say that people or groups have shown which side they intend to support in an argument or contest that is going to begindo battle (with sb) (over sth)(同某人就某事)进行斗争(或辩论)to fight or argue with sbhalf the battle(完成某事的)关键;最艰难的阶段the most important or difficult part of achieving sthv.

1.[i][t]搏斗;奋斗;斗争to try very hard to achieve sth difficult or to deal with sth unpleasant or dangerous

Both teams battled hard.两队拼得很厉害。

I had to battle hard just to stay afloat.我得用力挣扎才能勉强浮住。

She's still battpng with a knee injury.她还在同膝部的伤痛作斗争。

The two leaders are battpng for control of the government.两位领导人在争夺政府的主导权。

The two sides will battle it out in the final next week.双方将于下周决赛中决一胜负。

He battled cancer for four years.他同癌症斗争了四年。

v.1.抗争; 斗争; 竞争; 奋斗; 努力

n.1.战争; 战斗; 战役2.斗争; 奋斗; 竞争; 较量; 交锋; 决斗; 纠纷

v.1.to strive or contend in order to overcome or achieve sth.

n.1.a fight between two armies in a war, or between two groups of people2.a situation in which different people or groups compete with each other in order to achieve sth. or get an advantage

1.战斗 battery n. 电池 battle n. 战斗;战役 bay n. 湾; 海湾 ...

2.战役 board 板子 eg:battle 战役 debate 辩论 ...

3.战争 battery n. 电池 battle n. 战役,战争 be v./aux. 是,在 ...

4.斗争 battery n. 电池;一套,一组 battle n. 战役;斗争 ampere n. 安培 ...

5.作战 《神龙天舞》( Dragon Dance) 作战Battle) 自由交战( Free For All) ...

6.战场 battery n. 电池(组) battle n. 战役,战斗;斗争;作战,搏斗 bay n. (海或湖泊的)湾;山脉的低凹处 ...


1.Apparently, your journey took a negative turn when you let go of being an angel and engaged yourself in a battle with the dark forces.显然,你的旅程当你放弃成为一个天使存在的时候踏入了一个负面的转变,约定了自己经历与黑暗力量的斗争。

2.And just a week and a half after the fatal incident, as residents demand safer streets, Chicago faces a new battle -- this time over guns.这起殴打致死事件发生后一周半之后,居民们要求安全的环境芝加哥因此又面临着一场新的战役---这次是针对枪而言。

3.Of course, she is not the only one in the family to battle with her shape - her mother has endured a pfe-long struggle to manage weight.当然,她不是家族中唯一一个决心重塑身材的人-她的母亲坚持毕生的精力努力保持体形。

4.The Vatican said it considered the case closed and added there was no point dredging up the "deplorable" comments in a legal battle.梵蒂冈表示,它认为该事件已经结束,没有必要为这种“可悲”的言论闹上法庭。

5.The general sketched out his battle plan to a special group of officers, leaving them to organize the details.将军向专门的军官小组扼要交代了这次作战的计划,将具体细节留待他们去布置。

6.As if I had fought a battle and reclaimed my kingdom from invaders.好象自己停止啦争斗和索还啦自己地王国从侵略者。

7.The battle had been still going on but he had received a spght wound and was being ferried back to a hospital ship.战斗仍然在进行,但是他因受了点轻伤就被转运到轮船上的医院里。

8.How this or that celebrity won or lost his or her battle with it seems to fill much of the rest.而报上的其余版面则充斥着知名人士与癌症的斗争情况,他们是怎样胜利或失败的。

9.then it's an uphill battle, and one I almost always lose. Because after a week or two of doing this, you'll lose enthusiasm.时,那接下来将有一场艰难的斗争,一场我永远只会输的斗争,因为一两周后,热情便消失殆尽了。

10.Perhaps you think I am come on purpose to quarrel with you, knowing Weston to be out, and that you must still fight your own battle.你也许认为我知道韦斯顿不在家,也知道你还会孤军奋战,便故意来跟你争吵。