




1.对自己诚实 ... 接受 Acceptance 对自己诚实 Be Honest with Yourself 净化与排毒 Cleanse and Detoxify ...

2.忠于自己 ... Be honest with yourself. 你得正视自己。 Have you hurt yourself? 你伤到自己了吗…

4.做诚实的人 Choose your goals carefully. 谨慎的选择你的目标 Be honest with yourself. 做诚实的人 ...

5.忠於自己“忠於自己。”(Be honest with yourself)——你怎麽会喜欢一个38岁的阿叔/阿婶?


1.Stop trying to be strong, and to be positive, and to keep going and simply be honest with yourself.别再试着让自己变得坚强、乐观和持续进步,只是简单地对自己诚实。

2.Be honest with yourself about what you want. Don't let friends, family, and the media decide for you.诚实的面对自己想要的是什么。别让身边的朋友,家人,甚至媒体替你做决定。

3.Every action and decision you make should be based on honesty. Be honest with yourself and with your loved ones.每一个行动和决策都应当基于诚实。

4.Think seriously about the "fit" - be honest with yourself as you contemplate your future career.认真地考虑一下“适合性”——在你盘算未来时要实事求是。

5.Use your nose. Your instincts. You have to do what you feel is right, and you have to be honest with yourself about that.用你的鼻子,你的本能。你必须做你感觉对的东西,而且你要对自己诚实。

6.You need to be honest with yourself, because it can be frustrating to waste your time trying to build something you just can't.你必须对自己诚实,因为做你力不从心的事情会浪费你的时间并让你心灰意冷。

7.To be honest with others requires that you be honest with yourself.对别人诚实需要你对自己诚实。

8.The business plan is another place that you need to be honest with yourself.商业计划是另一个需要你对自己诚实的地方。

9.Don't just be honest with her, be honest with yourself too.不要只是对她诚实,也要对自己诚实。

10.Why are you saying this to me? I want you to be honest with yourself about this! I'm deapng with dad's death.为什么这么说我?我想你好好面对自己!我已经接受老爸的死了。