


美式发音: [ˈbɪrdəd] 英式发音: [ˈbɪə(r)dɪd]








adj.1.The derivative of beard2.a bearded man has a beard

1.有胡须的 beak 鸟嘴,鸟嘴装物体,鼻 Bearded 有胡须的 beardless 无须的, 年轻的 ...

2.有胡子的 beard-tongue 钓钟柳 bearded 有胡子的 beardless 年轻的 ...

3.下巴留有胡子的 average( 平凡普通的) bearded下巴留有胡子的) best-hated( 最招人恨的) ...

4.有须的 Sigh: 叹息, 叹气 bearded: 有须的, 有胡子的 pard: 豹 ...

5.留胡子的 bad-tempered (脾气坏的), bearded (留胡子的), beloved (可爱 的), ...

6.胡子拉碴的 warm-hearted 热心的 bearded 胡子拉碴的 golden 金质的 ...

7.有髯鸢尾而栽培鸢尾的主要类型有:有髯鸢尾bearded)、无髯鸢尾(beardless)、冠状鸢尾(crested)以及球状鸢尾(bulbous)。 …


1.But it was midweek and there was only Baba and me, us and a couple of longhaired, bearded tourists-- "hippies, " I'd heard them called.但那天不是周末,那儿只有我们--爸爸和我,还有几个留着胡子和长发的游客,我听说他们叫“嬉皮士”。

2.With the mere point of a finger, I could set someone up to have lunch with a bearded newspaper reporter from Idaho.只需用手指头点一下,我就可以选择由谁与爱达荷一个留着络腮胡须的记者共进午餐。

3.Laird, the red-bearded lawyer, turned again to the stranger: "We didn't know whether there would be anyone with him or not, " he explained.红胡子律师莱尔德又转身对那陌生人说道:“我们不知道要不要有人陪他,”他解释说,“路很远,你最好另外坐出租马车。”

4.When children there saw such a dark and bearded Indian, they surrounded him as if he were performing a street show.广州这些个小孩子,见到胡子这么邋遢的一个印度人,大家就好像看热闹似地围着他。

5.The next day as the village clock struck twice, announcing the hour of noon, a bearded man came up the street toward the sheriff's office.第二天,当村里的大钟敲了两下,宣告午时的时候,大街上一个留着胡子的人朝着县司法办公室走来。

6.Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands.奇特的海生物图片画廊。它是很难辨别那一个目标是向上的在这个特写镜头的有胡须的蚰鱼在斐济群岛。

7.Wearing business suit and shoes, walking up and down in the platform, bearded Patrick spoke eloquently, eyes shining with wit.留着络腮胡子的帕特里克西装革履,在台上走来走去,口若悬河,两眼闪着智慧之光。

8.Punchinello turned slowly and looked at the large bearded craftsman. "You know my name? " the pttle Wemmick asked.潘奇诺慢慢转过身,然后看着这个身形巨大,满脸胡子的木匠。

9.A pair of old man pttle wife French couple, and a bearded old man of Italy.有一对老夫少妻的法国夫妇,和一个大胡子的意大利老头。

10.This personage was a grey-bearded old man, wearing a woman's gown and a high, peaked cap. It was the buffoon, Nastasya Ivanovna.此人是个髯须斑白的老头,他身穿女人的外衣,头戴高顶帽,这就是名叫纳斯塔西娅·伊万诺夫娜的侍从丑角。