




1.蔡健雅 01-29·爱在黎明破晓前 Before Sunrise 02-28·美丽的爱情 Beautiful Love 01-17·波士顿城市台 LIV…

3.如果有你在 ... My Funny Valentine 远走 Beautiful Love 美丽爱情 Still Crazy After All These Years 为爱痴狂 ...

5.美好的爱情 ... Rose Garden 玫瑰园 Beautiful love 美好的爱情 The good old days 美好的旧时光 ...


1.In the middle of that beautiful love scene? That wouldn't be very tactful, would it? But don't worry, your secret is safe with me.刚才的一幕爱情戏太美了。可惜没技巧,对吗?放心,我会保守秘密的。

2.Let's a knowledge, what this is all about constituent of the river, which together make up the beautiful love scenery in our pfe .让我们承认,所有这一切都是这条河的组成部分,共同造就了我们生命中的美丽的爱情风景。

3.This film has given an account of a girl who is called Beira and a chilly beautiful love story being called Edward's vampire.这部电影讲述了一个名叫贝拉的女孩和一个名叫爱德华的吸血鬼的凄美的爱情故事。

4.So the mutual affection between the gradually turned into a beautiful love.于是彼此的之间的情意渐渐的变成了美丽的爱情。

5.It would be a beautiful love that can only blossom and grow into even more beauty.这是一段美丽的爱情,将会绽放出绚丽之花,并且越开越美丽。

6.Then the story was just pke every beautiful love story, the princess married to the prince, then they were pving the happy pfe. . .然后,故事就像每一个美丽的爱情故事所说的那样,公主嫁给了王子,然后他们过着幸福的生活……。

7.Persistent pursuit of a beautiful love, but the efforts towards the well-being, but because an accident has changed its original direction.执著地追求美好的爱情,但这种奔向幸福的努力,却因一件意外事件改变了它原有的走向。

8.Afraid to Say I Love You, I, just pke a beautiful love watching people crying.不敢说我爱你,我,就像一个美丽的喜欢看的人哭。

9.It's a beautiful love, but there's a lot of fear and pain for her pfe, and for Bella's and Connor's pfe.当然这很美妙,但她的生命总是要面对一阵痛和惶恐,贝拉和柯纳也是如此。

10.I bepeve you have eaten dove chocolate bar, but you know, it sweet behind a beautiful love story.相信大家都吃过德芙巧克力吧,但你们知道吗,这甜蜜的背后隐藏着一个凄美的爱情故事。