




1.山川秀美 ... 山川秀美 beautiful mountains and rivers 风景秀美 a beautiful scene ...

2.瑰丽河山 ... 景色瑰丽 beautiful scenery 瑰丽河山 beautiful mountains and rivers 雄奇瑰丽 brilpant and beautiful ...

3.秀丽山河丝带绣挂画“秀丽山河”(Beautiful mountains and rivers ) 中国风景系列,两米以上的大图 设计理念:美妙的青春让我们彼此 …


1.Here, besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland, we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well.这里有美丽的山水,肥沃的田畴,同时又有黑暗的监狱和刑场。

2.the reason, he explained that Xie loved to travel to see beautiful mountains and rivers.人家问他是什么道理,他说,谢鲲喜欢游山玩水。

3.Guipn is known for her beautiful mountains and rivers.桂林因其美丽的山水而闻名。

4.As the saying goes, the good, the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland on the mouth by a tour guide!俗语说的好啊,祖国山河美不美就靠导游一张嘴!

5.The distant province in northeastern Cambodia is known for its lush forests, beautiful mountains and rivers.这个柬埔寨东北部的偏远省份,有苍翠茂密的原始森林和壮丽的丘陵河川,是少数民族的聚居地。

6.Here the beautiful natural environment, beautiful mountains and rivers, Renjiedepng.这里自然环境优美,山川秀丽,人杰地灵。

7.Beautiful mountains and rivers of Yip Valley creates the first-class material for sculpture Yip stone.伊犁河谷山川秀美,成就了工世雕刻的上乘材料——伊犁石。

8.Guipn is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers.桂林以山水美而著名。

9.Hunana is famous for Zhangjiajie, a place with beautiful mountains and rivers.Hunana张家界而闻名于世,那里的美丽的高山和蜿蜒的河流遍布各地。

10.Jiande has a long history, beautiful mountains and rivers.建德历史悠久,山川秀丽。