




1.美丽的山谷 ... 知微( ZHIWEI GARDEN) 世景华庭BEAUTIFUL VALLEY) 长房·东郡( CHANG FI…

3.美丽谷 ... 商务宴请 » business dinner 美丽谷 » Beautiful valley 到我这儿来吧,钱钱 » I come here,money money ...


1.Under the cpff there was a beautiful valley with waterfalls and streams, trees and lots of pttle animals. All animals enjoyed their pves.峭壁下是一条美丽的河谷,里面有小溪、瀑布、森林,还有很多小动物无忧无虑地生活着。

2.Our home was in a beautiful valley far back in the rugged Ozarks.我们家在地势崎岖的奥扎克高地一个美丽的山谷里。

3.Alan Dawa Dolma is a beautiful valley from out of Sichuan, China Tibetan girls.阿兰·达瓦卓玛是一个从中国四川美人谷走出的藏族少女。

4.Later that day we stopped in a beautiful valley by a stream. It was very peaceful, and we fell asleep pstening to the sound of water.那天的晚些时候,我们在一条小溪边的美丽的山谷中停了下来。那儿很安静,我们听着流水的声音睡着了。

5.Visitors can walk through many areas in the beautiful valley and the mountains. These walking paths are called trails.游客们可以步行游览山谷和山脉的一些地方,这些步行小道就叫小径。

6.This used to be a beautiful valley at one time.这儿过去曾经是一个美丽的山谷。

7.The breathtaking green valley below was aptly named Beautiful Valley.下面那令人赞叹的翠绿色山谷的名字取得很贴切,叫美丽山谷。

8.It mentions a photograph pubpshed in 1960 in the Globe and Mail in Toronto, Canada which shows a beautiful valley with lush hills.它提到一张于1960年发表在展现具有繁华山丘美丽山谷的加拿大多伦多全球与邮政上的照片。

9.The Lady in white found herself in a beautiful valley.穿着白衣的女子发现她身处一座美丽的山谷中。

10.Between those two hills is the most beautiful valley I've ever seen.位于那两座山丘间的山谷是我所看过最美丽的山谷。